Search Engine Optimization Mistakes You Need To Avoid

Tuesday, December 27, 2011

Search Engine Optimization mistakes can get your website banned,  instead of getting it listed at the top of the search engine results page.

Regardless of whether you are seasoned in SEO or just learning the ropes, everyone makes mistakes.

The good news is that when you make a SEO mistake and it effects your page ranking, it is reversible.

These Search Engine Optimization mistakes can severely affect your page ranking and should be avoided.
  • Using Keywords Incorrectly
This one is a biggie!  Many webmasters are so concerned about being banned from the search engines that they don't use enough keywords on their web pages. 

Granted, keyword stuffing or spamming will get your site banned, but limiting the use of keywords on your web pages swings the pendulum too far in the other direction.

As long as your content reads easily and sounds natural, you probably haven't over used your keywords.

Your keywords should always be included in your heading, in your title, in your meta tags and in at least the first and last paragraphs of your content.
  • Using Flash On Your Website
If you have a media website, using Flash is entirely appropriate. 

But for most people, using Flash can have a negative effect on your page ranking. 

The search engine spiders can't read content that is embedded in Flash files.  This means that they are unable to recognize the file and will not index it.

If you want to use Flash, use it sparingly on your web pages, otherwise use it strictly as a presentation tool. 
  • Don't Try To Fool The Search Engines
Google's search engines spiders are much more sophisticated than most of us realize.

Trying to fool the search engine spiders by using hidden text, keyword spamming, blending, cloaking, etc. will only get you in trouble.

The search engines recognize these practices and will penalize you for using them.

At the least, your page ranking will be affected and at worst, your site could be banned.
If this occurs, none of the search engines will pick up your URL and no one will be able to find your site.  This is a disaster for any business website.
  • Do Not Use Your Company Name As The Only Title Tag
Some businesses use the Title Tag strictly for their company name. Unless you are on a branding campaign, this is a bad practice.

The Title Tag is intended to be used for the primary keyword of each web page.  You can use your company name in the Title Tag but use it judiciously.

Using the Title Tag to describe each page is more useful to your customers and helps the search engine spiders correctly identify each page of your website.

  • Don't Use Splash Pages
Splash pages are web pages with large graphics or a company's logo that links to the website.

Splash pages are inneffective for a variety of reasons.
  • There is no keyword rich text on the page.  This means there is nothing for the search engine spiders to index.
  • There can be only one internal link on the page
  • Splash pages usually redirect to another URL, which causes the search engine spiders to ignore them. 
Search engine optimization is important to every business so don't waste your time with splash pages.

As long as you provide an easy to navigate content rich home page on your site, link visitors and the search engine spiders to your other main web pages, you should have no SEO problems.

If you have already tried to outsmart the search engines by using any of these Search Engine Optimization mistakes and have found your ranking in the toilet, most of them are reversible.

Usually if you just correct the mistake, you can increase your page ranking almost overnight.

All these Search Engine Optimization mistakes are easily avoidable, so take a minute to evaluate your SEO strategy and perk up your site ranking.

Strategic Online Profit Streategies: Strategic Video Marketing Strategies

Sunday, December 18, 2011

Here is a simple 4-step strategic video marketing strategy that will generate tremendous amounts of web traffic to your website or blog.
Once you download and familiarize yourself with CamStudio, create a "teaser" video presentation on the niche topic of your choice using Powerpoint and CamStudio.

Remember to include your website address at the beginning and at the end of your video.
  • Optimize your video by using relevant long tail keywords in the Title of your video.

In order to get the greatest amount of traffic possible, do some basic keyword research using free tools such as Wordtracker (take advantage of their free trial) or Google's keyword tool.

Your keyword research should be centered around finding popular long-tail keywords that will attract traffic and can be easily used in your Video Title.

Once you have optimized and are satisfied with your video, your next step is to sign up for a free account on TubeMogul.

Pay particular attention to their "Terms of Service" on the sign up page. It states that "you will not upload any multi-level marketing, affiliate marketing, network marketing, home-based business,cash gifting, phishing, pornographic or copyrighted third-party content."

Any users uploading videos that a reasonable person would consider to be a scam will be banned.

TubeMogul's PlayTime video advertising platform was built for branding, particularly for video marketers.

Once you sign up for your free account on TubeMogul, your video will be distributed all over the web with a "live" link to your web page in the description.

It takes some time, creativity and effort but if you do this daily for a month, you’ll generate tons of traffic to your website.

Of all the strategic online profit strategies for video marketing we've come across, this one takes the prize.

Strategic Online Profit Strategies For High Conversion Squeeze Pages

Friday, December 9, 2011

Usually the most effective strategic online profit strategies for high conversion squeeze pages can only be obtained from reports in a squeeze page, from membership sites or from ebooks.

Although squeeze pages are designed to attract, convert and get visitors to subscribe to an email list; high conversion squeeze pages are designed to function as qualified lead "magnets". 

They are NOT intended to act as a "magnet" for freebie seekers or for people who have little interest in what you are marketing.

There are several steps used to create high conversion squeeze pages which I will briefly outline below however, before we start, it's important that you understand exactly what the intent of a squeeze page really is.

The only reason for placing a squeeze page on your web site is to extract contact information from your visitors.

That's it. Nothing more.

High conversion squeeze pages are NOT for marketing, linking to other web pages, promoting one time offers or displaying anything but content that will "squeeze" contact information from visitors to your site.

The contact information can be as simple as just the email address or as complex as getting details such as age, sex, race, height, weight, income status, work status, etc.

High conversion squeeze pages are specifically designed to attract readers, grab their attention and get them to opt in to your email list.

In order to create this vital list building element you need to do the following:

  • Freebies can be a high quality lead magnet
A good percentage of online marketers give away free reports without knowing what their visitors actually want. They then wonder why few, if any visitors sign up to their lists.

It's important that you first know what your visitors want.

Then you need to give your visitors something of value and make sure they appreciate how valuable it is.

You then need to sell your visitor on your product enough to convince them to buy into your list.

Here is where you need to create high conversion content for your squeeze page.

  • Make sure you over deliver on your freebie.
Your freebie should be so impressive to your visitors that they will want to come back to your site to get more of what your offered them. 

Create a feeling of expectation for your visitors.
When you create the feeling that they just can't wait for your next email with your giveaway, you know you've succeeded in over delivering.

You can do this by offering a second freebie to your visitors when they confirm their subscription.

Once they provide you with their email address or whatever other contact information you need; take them to a landing page that explains how they can confirm their subscription and receive another free gift once it's confirmed. 
  • Give your freebie a catchy name.
Many marketers don't bother naming their free offers.  They just offer a "free report" of something.
  • Brand your freebie with a catchy title that your visitors can easily identify. 
A memorable name for your freebie that stands out in the minds of your visitors, allows them to easily find it again, identify it to their friends, Tweet it, mention it in forums or on their Facebook pages.

An indistinguishable freebie with no name is boring, useless, difficult to talk about and virtually nonexistent.
  • High conversion squeeze pages use graphics
Spend some time creating a professional looking e-cover for your e-book or to brand your free giveaway.

Not only is a picture worth a thousand words, it makes your freebie much more identifiable.

Professional quality eye catching graphics, combined with a catchy title, will often capture an opt in without the visitor even reading the content.

Graphics also tend to make your freebie appear more valuable to your visitors.  An image of the product you are offering is always an immediate eye-catcher.
  • Place your squeeze page in a strategic location
Place the majority of your squeeze page copy, the graphics and the opt in form, above the fold of your page.

When your visitor displays your website, make sure they don't have to scroll down the page to get to your opt in form.

Most visitors only remain on your page for a split second before deciding if it is what they are looking for.  Strategic placement of your opt in form is important to get your visitor to focus on the copy and read it.

Since people read from left to right, place your opt in form in the uppermost left hand corner of your page where it will get the immediate focus of your reader.

If your visitor is searching for a specific article, video or a picture, they will have the opportunity of seeing your squeeze page first and then moving on if it is of no interest to them.

High conversion squeeze pages are "targeted".  You do not want or need the email address of someone that is not interested in what you are offering.
  • Don't trick your visitors into an opt-in
The key to getting high conversions is to simply ask your visitors to subscribe.

Don't try to trick your visitors into subscribing to your list with fancy wording, videos or forms. 

It's important that your visitor knows exactly what they are subscribing to, what they will be getting from you in return and how to sign up to your list.

A lot of squeeze pages have a good headline and some bullet points but neglect to tell their visitors what to do.

Spell it out for them.  Tell them exactly what they need to do and how to do it.

Tell them to "Fill out the form below with your first name and email address."

Tell them where to click and what the button says. 

Point some arrows to the opt in form so they can't possibly miss it.  Often just the opt in form with a couple of large red arrows pointing to it will work better than a fancy form.

Don't take anything for granted, be brutally specific.
  • Test your squeeze page on a regular basis
Make sure to test your squeeze page and tweek it if it doesn't provide you with the results you expect.

Small changes often make a huge difference.

Try changing the headline, bullet points, submit button, copy, graphics, background colors, text colors and whatever else you think could bring more focus on the opt in form if you don't feel you have enough subscribers in a reasonable time period.

Sometimes seemingly insignificant tweeks can make a dramatic change in the number of opt ins.

High conversion squeeze pages are specifically targeted.

Remember that although squeeze pages are designed to attract visitors to subscribe to your email list; high conversion squeeze pages are function as qualified lead "magnets". 

Why Should I Use Google Places?

Sunday, November 20, 2011

Google Places is an online Business Listing that gives businesses the ability to quickly reach thousands of local Google users.

Because more people use the Internet to search for information, products and services than any other medium, it's important that your business can be easily identified online.

Google, Yahoo, AOL, Bing, Ask, and the other search engines are all good places to have your business listed.

However, since Google is the number one search engine online, it is extremely important that your business can be easily located on both the search engine and on Google Maps.

As you know Internet users type in a keyword term or search phrase, to locate what they are searching for when they use Google and the other search engines. 

After the search is completed, a search results page with multiple listings of websites that are the closest match to the keywords entered by the user will be displayed.

The problem is that there can be literally millions of websites to get information from.

Of the pages upon pages of results that are provided from almost any keyword that is searched for, the "sweet spot" for any business is the first place on the first page of the search engine results.

Being on the first page of the search engine results for your business keyword or keyword phrase, is the best location for business capitalization.

Most people assume that the first page of the search engine results is the best for the search term they entered and usually do not bother looking past the first page.

That is why businesses that attain the top positions of the first page usually have invested a lot of time and money getting there.  Online marketing campaigns and SEO is expensive but will out rank the competition.

The "holy grail" of locations is to be on page one in the Google Places section which is normally on top of the page and is prominently outlined with red markers.

If your business already shows up on Google, you may not think that Google Places is 
worth the time to deal with, but if you haven't verified your listing, it could be easily outranked by your competition or contain erroneous information.

Businesses who verify, optimize and claim their listings have a better chance of keeping their positions intact  If you haven't verified your business and it is at the top of Google Places, you could still be knocked off your position in the SERPs by your competition.

In order to achieve and remain on top of Google Places, you need to first set up your listing.

Go to

Create a Google account if you have not already done so.

Click on the "Add a New Business" tab and enter your business information.

Fill out as much business information as you can in the fields.  You can always edit the information later. 

Make sure you enter and provide:

  • Your business name
  • Your physical address
  • Your local business phone
  • Your business hours of operation
  • Your business description (use keywords and keyword phrases)
  • Categories that are relative to your business
  • A maximum of 10 photographs and 5 videos of your business
  • Coupons for visitors to use
If Google says that you are already listed, you can claim your listing when prompted.

When you have completed your listing, Google will provide you with a PIN that you will need to validate your listing.

You can do it by telephone or by mail. 

I recommend doing it immediately by phone after you complete your listing.  Google will call you immediately when you finish up with it.

If you choose to verify your listing by mail, Google will send you a postcard with your PIN on it but it takes at least a couple of weeks before you get it.

After you get your PIN, go into your Google Places account and click on the section that says “Enter your PIN” and click Go.

You may have to wait a day or so before your Google Places listing is live, but that's all you need to do to.

Now you can be assured that your business will be where it belongs online.

Strategic Online Profit Strategies For One Time Offers

Sunday, November 13, 2011

There are some strategic online profit strategies for one time offers you need to know about before implementing and spending too much time on them.

We see more and more marketers using one time offers but do they really work? 
Are they worth the time you spend implementing them?
Do they convert well?
Do they help or hurt your business?

All these questions are relevant to your online business and should be considered before you implement One Time Offers.

Without offering any opinions, there are some things you need to know if you do plan on using One Time Offers (OTO's) in your marketing.

  • If you DO use them, make sure they are to the point and will immediately grab the attention of your reader.
Because most people are already accustomed to seeing One Time Offers, you will only have a split second to spark interest in your reader before they click out of your offer.  Yes, most people DO consider them a pain.

If your reader does click out of your OTO, make sure that they are still able to easily access the download page for the original product or service. 

Often, when users click out of the one time offer and leave the webpage, they are unable to locate the original download page. All this does is create additional irritation and dissatisfaction with your customer.

  • This brings us to usability.
Many marketers place the opt out link at the very bottom of the One Time Offer page in small fonts and make the customer scroll down the entire length of the page to find the "No Thank You" button.

People don't like wasting their time and usually resent this type of marketing ploy.

Make the One Time Offer page more functional by placing the "No Thank You" and "Let Me Order Now" buttons in larger fonts at the very top of the page.

This will garner you more respect with your customers and will often prompt them to scroll down the page to check out the offer.

  • Make sure your One Time Offer is relevant to the product or service you are selling.
This seems like a gimme, but you would be surprised at how many marketers try to mix market niches.

If you are selling a book or a product on saltwater fishing, don't set up a One Time Offer for an IPad or a Cannon camera.  Stick with the market you are in and you will have a much better chance of interesting your customer in another product upsell.

  • Make sure your One Time Offer is of substantial value to your customer.
Your customer is obviously in a mood to purchase or they wouldn't have bought your original product.  Make sure your offer is worth clicking on.  Your customers need to be convinced that you are over delivering on your original product as well as on your One Time Offer. 

Everyone wants a GOOD DEAL or a STEAL.  Make sure you give them much more than they would normally would pay for your One Time Offer product and then add a bonus as an additional incentive.

When your customers do take advantage of your One Time Offer, make sure you get a testimonial or at least a comment on how satisfied they are with their purchase.  This goes a long way in future marketing to your list.

  • Lastly, make sure that your One Time Offer is unique and that it really is a One Time Offer.
Don't try to trick your customers into buying a One Time Offer and then keeping the same price.

Once your OTO is clicked out of, the price should revert to the original higher cost of the product.

Any bonuses or product combinations should also be discontinued after a click out.

Although you may lose some initial business, the long term effect of this policy will provide your customers the incentive to purchase One Time Offers at a later date.

It's important that your customers understand that when you make a One Time Offer, it is really a One Time Offer!

Some ClickBank Publishing Secrets That Will Increase Your Bottom Line

Sunday, November 6, 2011

Here are some ClickBank publishing secrets that will increase your bottom line.

Before you set the price and publish your eBook on ClickBank, you need to learn how to successfully sell your digital product to your niche market.

In order to successfully market your product, it is essential to know what sells and what your niche audience is attracted to.

Here are a couple of valuable ClickBank secrets you can use for selling and promoting your ebooks to your market niche.

Since product images and titles are the first things that people normally see, those are the two most critical elements you need to focus on. 

Both should be relevant to your niche, and "catchy" enough to attract and hold the attention of your audience.  

Creating a good product image and an outstanding, targeted product title is one of the best ways to increase sales of your ebook.

When customers make a purchase, both the product image and title appear on the purchase form where they provide a powerful visual message to the buyer.

ClickBank allows you to load up to 20 images to your account.  This should give you plenty of opportunity to attract visitors to your digital product.

It is very important that you adhere to the publisher's contract agreement terms with ClickBank

The product image specifications are very specific and must meet with ClickBank's prior approval process. 

Once an image is linked to your product, you cannot delete it without removing the product; so be sure that you are happy with your final decision.

As with articles, your title plays an important role in the sales process.  The title is the first thing a potential buyer looks at and should be chosen with great care.

Product titles are limited to 70 characters, so choose an engaging title wisely and be sure to include targeted keywords for the best possible exposure.

When publishing your ebook, always pay attention to the details.  This will help to ensure success with the sales process, and increase your bottom line.

When your ebook's image and title conveys some value to your potential customer, you are more apt to attract a larger audience. 

The majority of customers want to know, “what’s in it for me”, before they buy any product.  So make sure to give them what they want. 

Using these two simple ClickBank publishing secrets will help you to start making money with your ebooks.

Two Strategic Online Profit Strategies That Maximize Profits

Sunday, October 23, 2011

These two strategic online profit strategies will maximize profits for you and are simple to implement on your website or blog.

We all know that list building is one of the most important strategic online profit strategies used by online marketers but many of us neglect a simple implementation technique that can substantially improve profits; placement of the opt in box.

Placement of the opt in or subscription box is important. 

You need to place the opt in box where people are most likely to see it to provide their name and email address.

The four best locations are:
  • To put the opt in box after each Blogspot or WordPress post. 
  • To place an opt in box in the sidebar of every page of your blog or website, preferably foremost in the upper left hand sidebar.
  • An opt in check box is also good to use when commenting on blog posts.
  • Although some visitors get annoyed with pop-ups and pop-unders, another effective strategy is to place an exit pop-up at every other page on your website or blog.
As long as you provide something of value for your visitors and have your site filled with useful interesting information, your visitors will reciprocate by giving you their contact information.

Make better use of the Thank You Page on your site.

Believe it or not, the Thank You Page is a one of the most valuable pieces of real estate on your website. 

After people subscribe to your list or make a purchase on your site, they are normally directed to the Thank You Page. 

Don't waste the opportunity of not taking advantage of the time your customers are on your Thank You Page. 

Don't bore your visitors with one time offers that they are used to seeing on just about every other site. 

Instead, try implementing a couple of these strategies to maximize profits.
  • Take a picture of the product you are marketing, write a descriptive testimonial about it and place it on the Thank You Page
  • Depending on the item that was purchased, you can offer an additional discount or a quantity break for the product as an incentive for the buyer to purchase additional items.
  • Find an affiliate offer that augments the product or service you are selling and promote that affiliate product in your Thank You Page.
Only your lack of imagination can limit the strategic online profit strategies that maximize profits on your site.

Strategic Online Profit Strategies For Success: Consider A Partnership

Saturday, October 8, 2011

Consider a partnership as one of the strategic online profit strategies for a successful home based business. 

We all know that starting any home based business is risky, especially with the current business environment.

Going it alone expands the risk potential which is why many online entrepreneurs hook up with at least one additional business partner.

Before you consider a partnership, you should already be aware of the numerous  disadvantages of having a partner in a business relationship. 

Many articles have been written about partnerships so I won't bore you with redundant information.

However when done correctly, a successful partnership can literally double your chances of success.  There is a lot to be said for the adage "two heads are better than one".

When two intelligent motivated business minds are on the same page working for a common goal, there is virtually no limit to what can be accomplished in a business venture.

When you consider a partnership, it is very important that both partners bring something different to the table.

Each partner should compliment the other in some way that benefits the common business goal.

If you can find a business partner with a complementary or unique skill set, an exceptional personality with leadership traits and a sincere desire for success whom you genuinely like and trust, you need to sign them up before they hit the door.

Starting a business alone gets old fast!

Having a partner promotes fresh innovative ideas, improves cost effective solutions to business challenges and adds an extra pair of "fresh" eyes that can look at business challenges from another perspective.

The most important factor when you consider a partnership is TRUST.

For this reason, it's a good idea to thoroughly vet your potential partner.  Set a trial period that is mutually agreeable to both parties so each party can get to know the other person and hopefully create a bond.

A good partner will immediately benefit your business. 

It's a huge advantage when you have someone to "bounce" your ideas off of and fine tune your profit strategies. 

If you're running a small Internet business with only a few or no employees, having a business partner allows you greater flexibility in your work schedule.

When you become ill or get "burned out" and need a vacation from your business, you have a partner to fall back on.

A good partner will also be your biggest critic.  It's always good to have someone with an interest in your business go over your business decisions before you implement them.

Although many business owners take on a partner strictly for financial purposes, this can be a recipe for failure. 

Successful business partnerships don't focus on their partners for money.  Banks and other financial lending institutions are for that purpose.

If you are a one man operation and feel like you're stuck in a rut, you should consider a partnership as a strategic online profit strategy for success.
Although not every business needs a partnership, you can definitely maximize your online profits by having one.

Five Good Ways To Generate Targeted Traffic

Saturday, September 17, 2011

Here are five good ways to generate targeted traffic to your website that are consistently used by online marketers on a regular basis.

Web traffic is the most important requirement for any website, however not all web traffic is the same.

Beginners often get themselves involved with programs that offer thousands of hits to their website that yield little to nothing. For whatever reason, the hits simply do not convert.

After a time many newcomers erroneously begin to believe that their marketing skills aren't satisfactory and that they are doing something wrong.

Eventually, they give up and follow the path of least resistance; failure.

Those of us who have already learned from experience, know that thousands of hits aren't what you need to make your site a success.  You only need to use strategic online profit strategies that generate targeted traffic to achieve success.

It's much more productive and worth more to get a few genuinely interested visitors to your website, than it is tricking thousands of visitors to visit your site using various traffic generating schemes.

Targeted traffic is the name of the game, and here are five good ways to generate targeted traffic to your site that produce results.

  • Setting up Affiliate Programs
With affiliate programs, you give part of your profits to those who help you sell your product or service. This can be accomplished on and off line and is a great way to generate targeted traffic to your website or storefront business.

By amassing an army of willing affiliates to do your advertising for you, you can multiply your traffic gathering efforts and generate targeted traffic very quickly.
  • Adding quality content
Because the search engines provide the highest position to the most relevant site for a given content, adding quality content to your site is an excellent way to increase targeted traffic.

When you regularly provide lots of quality content that contains keywords or keyword phrases that are relevant to your product or service and which is also easy for your readers to digest, you are guaranteeing targeted traffic to your website that will also increase your ranking position in the search engine results page.
  • Creating content materials
You can also generate targeted traffic by creating content that includes the URL to your website and giving it away to your readers.

As you search for material to add to your website, other webmasters are searching for websites that publish content, to add to their websites.

When you create a quality article or newsletter with your URL included; you can incorporate it into your website or just give the content branded with your site's URL to others for dissemination.
  • Ezines publishing
Writing high quality articles about your market niche, using targeted keywords,  keyword phrases and your website's URL in the resource box, is a good way to generate targeted traffic.

Submit your article to the article directories and continue writing at least two articles each week for at least a couple of months, to achieve the best results.

This method allows you to increase your credibility and gain a serious amount of loyal targeted traffic.
  • Use Pay per Click Search Engines
If money is not much of a problem, a good way to generate targeted traffic very quickly, is by using PPC advertising.

This method allows you to choose and pay for targeted keywords that interested searchers could possibly use to find your product or service on your website.

By properly selecting carefully chosen keywords, you will only be paying the for targeted visitors who are actually interested in getting to your site.

These are the five good ways to generate targeted traffic that are time tested and proven to work by countless Internet marketers.

Submitting Your Blogger Sitemap To

Sunday, September 11, 2011

Submitting Your Blogger Sitemap To and the other "minor" search engines, is a great way to pull additional targeted traffic and backlinks to your website.

Savvy Internet marketers
understand that submitting an XML sitemap to the search engines will create additional traffic to their sites and increase their ranking in the SERPs. requires a sitemap submission in order for your site to be recognized by their search engine.

There is a great deal of information and tons of tools available online for, Wordpress, and other sites, but if you happen to be running a Blogger site, you really have to dig deep to find the easiest way to create and submit an XML sitemap to 

If you delve into it, you will find that Blogger automatically creates a sitemap for every Blogger Blog.

Blogger even submits a Sitemap for you.  So, if you happening to be running a Blogger blog, you really don't have to do anything at all.

The exception is of course if you want to submit your XML sitemap to or some other third party service.

The default Blogger sitemap URLs are:

The easiest method of submitting a Blogger sitemap to, is to submit your sitemap through the ping URL below: URL of your sitemap here.xml

Submitting your Blogger sitemap to
, and the other minor search engines is an excellent way to scrape additional traffic and backlinks from the "other search engines".

Strategic Online Profit Strategies: Fastest Way To Get Google To Index Your Website

Sunday, August 28, 2011

Although there are many strategic online profit strategies for getting a new site indexed by the search engines, the fastest way to get Google to index your website or blog is to follow these simple steps.

Normally Google can take up to four weeks to index a website or blog.  And even after the site is indexed, additional updates to these sites can take up to a work week before before Google re-indexes the site.

Using proper Search Engine Optimization techniques, it only takes about 3 or 4 days for Google to index new sites.  Once a site is indexed with these optimization techniques in place, additional updates can be indexed in just minutes.

Search Engine Optimization is something that new site owners usually know very little about.  In fact many Online businesses cater to the so called "art" of SEO.

Although Search Engine Optimization does take a relatively long time to master, has a relatively intense learning curve, and requires some time to implement, it's benefits far outweigh the negatives.

However, if you want to get traffic to your website or blog quickly, the fastest way to get Google to index your website is to follow the simple steps listed below.

  • Use Meta Tags On Your Site
Meta Tags serve the same purpose as "dog tags" do in the military.  They identify your website and dramatically reduce the indexing process. 

Place your Meta Tags in the section of your website or blog template.  Don't put them in the section.
  • Submit Your URL To The Search Engines
It is important that you submit your website URL to all the major search engines.  The top ten are below in no particular order.


Once your URL is submitted, the search engines will include your URL in a list for their "bots" to crawl.  The robots or spiders will then "crawl" your website and collect information which will tell web surfers using the search engine what your site is all about.

The Meta Tags you placed in your website or blog in the above step, will expedite the information collection process.  Each search engine has a page where you can submit your URL.  Google's is here.
  • Finally, Submit A "Sitemap" To The Search Engines
Sitemaps are important for the search engines to index any updates to your website once your site is included in their index.  Once your sitemap is submitted to a search engine, the sitemap is used to monitor and identify any changes made to the site.

When it finds a change, the search engine robots collect the new information and add it to the existing index.

To submit your sitemap to Google, you first need to access Google's Webmaster Tools, add your website and verify it as soon as possible.  Then from Google's dashboard, click the "Sitemaps" menu and submit your sitemap using the address box.

Of all the strategic online profit strategies, this one is the fastest way to get Google to index your website or blog.

This Super SEO Guidebook will show you how to optimize your website to get maximum visibility from the search engine spiders.

Savvy Internet Marketers Are Using YouTube Annotations To Drive Traffic

Most savvy Internet marketers are using YouTube annotations to drive traffic to their landing pages, affiliates, websites or blogs.

Annotations are informational, interactive, narrative notes that can be displayed in your video as it is being played by viewers.  They can also be used to link to other videos and YouTube URLs.

Marketers use YouTube Annotations for a variety of reasons.

For instance, if you create several training videos that are in a series; they can be linked together using YouTube annotations right inside each video.

Using YouTube Annotations to network your videos instead of the video organizer and YouTube Channel, makes for a neater presentation and gives greater assurance that the user will actually view the next video in the series.

The following video describes how to use YouTube annotations and how to link to other videos in a series.

You could also be using YouTube annotations to highlight specific parts of your videos.

Let's say that you are an ancient coin collector and you have some recent finds you want to visually display to other collectors.

You could provide them with a virtual gallery that describes the coins, where they were found, where they are from, the approximate dates, mint marks, what they were used for and other pertinent information.

You could also be using YouTube Annotations to link to other videos of coins in other collections to better describe each coin or series of coins.

By using YouTube annotations, you can provide step by step instructions on how to clean ancient uncleaned coins, without the necessity of using cue cards or worrying about unnecessary dialog.

Annotations can also be coupled with subtitles to complement them and to add additional information.

By using both annotations and subtitles, you can forget about using sound or dialog in your videos if you feel like it and because YouTube translates subtitles into multiple languages, you can market internationally.

By using YouTube annotations along with subtitles in your videos, your viewers have more time to digest the information that you are providing them.

Viewers can pause the video at any time or run the video back to catch information they missed on the first go around.

Annotations are a way to offer far more information to your viewers and still present it in a video format.

When using YouTube annotations, don't overwhelm the video content.

Balancing the correct use of annotations in your videos is considered by many to be almost an art form. Use them judiciously.

When using YouTube annotations, a good rule of thumb is to try not to use more than three lines of text per scene.

Other than the fact that you cannot presently link to a URL that is outside of YouTube without becoming an AdWords advertiser; using YouTube annotations is a great marketing tool and an excellent way to direct traffic.

Twitter Conversation Marketing: How Twitter Conversation Marketing Helps Your Public Relations

Saturday, August 20, 2011

Twitter conversation marketing isn't necessarily just marketing your company's product or service on Twitter's website.  It's more like under-marketing.

Twitter conversation marketing uses subtle engagement and conversation to communicate directly with the Twitter community to paint a more compassionate, softer face on the business community.

It consists of sharing your company's culture and values with people who are already active on the Social Web.  It also improves on your company products, handling processes, and customer service.

Proactively sharing your company's culture and values on Twitter creates a humanizing effect for your business that can attract more users to become part of your community. 

Twitter conversation marketing
also effectively increases sales.

Many larger companies are already successfully using some form or Twitter conversation marketing in their advertising campaigns.

Zappos, at @zappos, has over 435 employees using Twitter, including their CEO, Tony Hsieh. 

Tony Hsieh at last count, has over a million followers, which should tell you something about the effectiveness of Twitter conversation marketing.

Many other large businesses also acknowledge that proactively sharing information about their company's culture and values, humanizes their businesses and increases their gross sales.

Frankly it's much easier for most consumers to embrace the openness of businesses, especially with the larger corporations, when their members are seen communicating on Twitter.

Twitter conversation marketing definitely achieves this.

Strategic Online Profit Strategies For Simplifying Web Traffic Generation

Saturday, August 13, 2011

There are some basic strategic online profit strategies for simplifying web traffic generation that all Internet marketers need to know.

Funneling web traffic to your website is the lifeblood of all online businesses.

Regardless of how good your content or free offer may be, without web traffic it is impossible to make money.  

There are basically two categories of Web traffic generation:

Purchased Web traffic
Free Web traffic

Purchased Web Traffic

The main advantage for purchasing web traffic is speed.  Purchased web traffic can very quickly generate tons of targeted traffic to your website.

The main disadvantage of using purchased web traffic is that it costs money to implement.  Here are a few examples of purchased web traffic commonly used by Internet marketers.
  • Google AdWords and other PPC sites
  • Ezine Advertising
  • Banner Advertising
Free Web Traffic

Free web traffic generation requires much more time and effort to implement effectively however, the end result is the cost benefit.

Here are a few examples of how to get free web traffic to your website.

  • Organic Search Engine Ranking
High organic ranking in the major search engines like Google, Yahoo, Bing, etc. can bring in an enormous amount of web traffic.
  • Article marketing
Writing a series of targeted articles with links pointing back to your website or blog and submitting them to numerous article directories will also generate tons of web traffic.
  • Blogging
Targeted blogging with links directed to your business website is one of the better  strategic online profit strategies for simplifying web traffic generation.
  • Traffic Exchanges
Traffic exchanges have their pros and cons but when used properly, they can also simplify web traffic generation.
  • Email signatures
Sometimes something as simple as adding a link to your website at the end of the emails you send can generate a ton of traffic.
Like email signatures, adding links to your website will increase web traffic.  Just remember not to abuse the strategy or you may find yourself ejected form the forum.

Ad Swaps

Ad swaps have their place and can generate web traffic but care should be made to only swap with sites that have relevant site content.
  • Press Releases
Press Releases work and are one of the strategic online profit strategies for simplifying web traffic generation that is favored by most Internet marketers.
  • Social Bookmarking Sites
Social bookmarking sites like Digg, Delicious, etc. are easy to implement and generate
a great deal of traffic.

Social networking sites like Facebook, StumbleUpon, Twitter, etc. are even more effective when used properly.
  • Free product giveaways
Free PLR product giveaways used during the holiday seasons are particularly effective for list building and generating spikes in web traffic.  The web is flooded with information on how to effectively use PLR articles for this strategy that you should learn about before implementing it.
  • YouTube Video Traffic
YouTube videos can be the most effective of all the strategic online profit strategies for simplifying web traffic generation.  If you can produce a video that goes "viral", the jump in your web traffic will be phenomenal.

Whichever web traffic generation strategy you decide to implement is entirely up to you.  Each strategy works well,  however it's a good idea to try all of them to see which gives you the best bang for the buck. 

Savvy Internet marketers use many or all of these free traffic generation strategies in concert with each other to get the best result.

Of all the basic strategic online profit strategies for simplifying web traffic generation that are available, our preference hands down would be for producing a YouTube video that goes viral on the Internet.

Strategic Online Profit Strategies For Mobile Marketing

Thursday, August 11, 2011

The strategic online profit strategies for mobile marketing require some additional advanced planning in order to remain legitimate and stay effective.

The most important part of this planning is to ensure that your mobile marketing efforts are not identified as spam.

Because mobile devices are recipients of email, any content received by these mobile devices need to be solicited. 

The rules and regulations between service providers and different countries vary substantially, so it's important that you familiarize yourself with these rules before undertaking a mobile marketing campaign so you can remain in compliance.

Being labeled a spammer is the kiss of death to any marketer, so use Permission Based Marketing to make sure your content and marketing campaigns are all above board. 

There are a number of things you need to plan in advance and take into account when planning your strategic online profit strategies for mobile marketing.  
  • Research your market niche.  Develop as much information about your target market as possible to ensure that your marketing approach is correct.
  • Set up clear goals.  Define what you would like to achieve. Are you trying to collect sales leads? Are you looking to build your list? Are you looking for signups to your newsletter? 
  • Think intelligently about how you plan on achieving realistic goals within a  set timetable for completion.
  • Plan your mobile presence.  Will you be setting up a mobile website for your marketing? Are you going to be using social media? 
  • Clarify your mobile message.  What pitch or "hook" will you use to inspire your target niche market audience to get involved with your business?  How will you approach your audience?
  • Invite users to share your content. Create opportunities for your potential customers to share information easily between different platforms.
  • Promote your mobile marketing campaigns.  Gin up interest in your campaign by any means necessary.  How do you plan on creating a buzz and renewing interest in your campaign?
  • Optimize your mobile marketing site.  Add Google analytic for mobile websites for tracking and critical analysis of your marketing campaigns and make optimization a continuous process.
  • Plan a permission based marketing strategy.  This involves building up a database of potential customers who agree to be on your contact list so they can later receive uninterrupted advertising and marketing information from you. 
    Voluntary signups using permission based marketing strategies virtually eliminate spam.
Strategic online profit strategies for mobile marketing is extremely effective when advanced planning is done to ensure your efforts stay beyond reproach.

Strategic Online Profit Strategies For Driving Traffic To Your Business Blog

Sunday, July 31, 2011

There are several first-class strategic online profit strategies for driving traffic to your business blog that any business can easily implement.

Many businesses set up their business's blog, publish several posts, get their site indexed and then simply forget about it or don't know how to proceed from that point to generate any additional traffic.

Here are some strategic online profit strategies for driving traffic to your business blog you can immediately use after Google indexes your site.

There are many online blog directories that will help you drive targeted traffic to your business blog, however; unless you let them know directly that you have posted new information to your website, they have no way of updating your site information.

The good news is that there are many services that automatically update a series of blog directories to let them know you have made a new post to your blog.

These services do the hard work for you and notify all the major blog directories in one fell swoop so that everyone knows about your latest blogs.

This saves you the time of having to notify each one manually, is a great way to improve your business's blog popularity and ensures that the search engines crawl and index your site properly.

These "Ping" services are free to use and will help drive targeted traffic to your business blog. 
Another one of the easiest strategic online profit strategies for driving traffic to your business blog is to link your business blog to your website.

You can easily implement this strategy to make sure that the people who visit your main website will know that your business blog exists. 

This linking strategy enables new potential business clients to participate in conversations that you start with your business blog postings.  It's also a great way to gain feedback and easily answer or address customer service questions.

The most effective and easiest of the strategic online profit strategies for driving traffic to your business blog is to create a visible Rich Site Summary (RSS) feed so visitors can easily subscribe to your site.

In the business community, time is always of the essence.  A visible RSS feed allows subscribers to quickly and easily read your syndicated posts on their own news readers even when they don't directly visit your business blog on a daily basis.

Another strategic online profit strategy for driving traffic to your business blog is to join a few social bookmarking sites like StumbleUpon, Mixx which is now UberMedia or Digg and add their social bookmarking icons to your site. 

Spend some time on these sites and bookmark your business blog as well as other blogs related to your business.  The more bookmarks that each posts receives; the more traffic you will receive on your site.

By regularly contributing to these sites, you will increase your credibility and help drive traffic back to your business blog.
Every business should have a Twitter account. 

Twitter has become one of the greatest social media tools that every business can use to increase targeted traffic.  Although Twitter followers may not visit your blog daily, the ones that do will "tweet" about your new posts and let everyone else know about it.

Set up your account, customize your Twitter page, update your biography and make sure to avoid any hard selling tactics in your "tweets".  Twitter users are savvy and will resist a blatant "hard sell".

As long as you are setting up an account with Twitter, set up your business account with Facebook
or LinkedIn and add a link to your business website as well as your business blog to your profile.

Often the people viewing your profile on Facebook and LinkedIn, will click through to your website to get more information about the products and services you provide. 

You can use this same strategy on similar social media sites.

One of the most obvious strategic online profit strategies for driving traffic to your business blog is to revise and update your business cards and business fliers to include your website and blog URL.

Offline marketing should also point to your online marketing efforts. 

Many businesses put a great deal of effort into their websites and business blogs and then neglect to point out to their potential clients that they exist.

When you distribute fliers or give out your business card, point out your web addresses to the people who take your cards and encourage them to vist your sites.  You could be pleasantly surprised at the amount of additional traffic you receive.

All of these strategic online profit strategies for driving traffic to your business blog will generate an upsurge in web traffic however, in order to generate long term targeted traffic, it's important that you make regular quality content blog posts and that you engage in social networking as much as possible.

Strategic Online Profit Strategies For Affiliate Marketing

Friday, July 15, 2011

There is a common myth associated with many strategic online profit strategies for affiliate marketing that suggests promoting lower priced products is more lucrative than promoting high end affiliate products.

This may be true for beginner affiliate marketers but once you develop your skills you should ask yourself why you should settle for a meager $9 commission, when you can be earning $100. or more in commissions for the same amount of web traffic.

Unfortunately most of the so called internet marketing gurus promote this common myth.

For some reason they believe that it's easier to sell a cheap product than it is to sell a high ticket item.

The truth is that it's not.  In fact in many cases it's easier, plus you can make a lot more commissions with high priced items.

For example.

If you are promoting an e-book that sells for $9.97 and it has an average conversion rate of about 3 percent; you can expect to earn around $29.91 for every 100 visitors that land on your website.

Compare these earnings to those of a higher priced $150.00 offer.

A conservative conversion rate for a $150.00 affiliate product is a minimum of at least 1 percent and if that affiliate program offers you a 100 percent commission on that particular product; for every 100 visitors you send to them you will be earning $150.00.

Which affiliate product would you promote? 

For exactly the same amount of traffic, you could be earning $150.00 in commissions instead of $29.91.

Deciding which products to promote should be a no brainer.

If you are wondering what products you can sell for $150.00 or more that offer a 100 percent commission, just start searching the Internet. 

All you need to do is check into ClickBank if you think finding the right high commission affiliate product is going to be a problem.

Sign into the ClickBank Marketplace, Click a category in the left column of the Marketplace page and sort the results by Initial $/sale or Avg $/sale. 

ClickBank products with over $100.00 will be shown in the results page when you use the Initial $/sale search however, for long term residual income you should consider promoting products that have a high average re-billing dollar amount. 

Although these products normally offer a lower initial sale dollar amount, they will provide you with a long term residual income for months and sometimes even years to come.

Strategic online profit strategies for affiliate marketing that teach newcomers to promote only lower priced affiliate products should definitely be rethought.

Selling other people's products can be rewarding provided you know how to do it right and this guide to affiliate marketing success will show you how.

Article Marketing: Quality Article Titles Are Important

Sunday, July 3, 2011

Quality article titles are important if you plan to attract and keep your readers.

A level of Search Engine Optimization is necessary in article marketing and this is especially important in your title.There are strategic online profit strategies for crafting quality article titles that stand out for both the search engines and the humans that read your articles.

Quality keyword rich titles that are relevant to your target audience are the article titles that will draw the most readers to your articles.

Unfortunately not everyone is gifted enough to create quality article titles.

Fortunately, there are few ways for article marketers to circumvent this problem.
  1. You can always hire the services of a ghost writer to create articles with quality article titles for your target niche market.
  2. You can learn for yourself how to create quality article titles from any of the many online sites that explain article marketing in detail.
  3. Or, you can become an Ezine Articles member and take advantage of their EzineArticles Article Title Writing Service.
The Ezine Articles Title Suggestions Tool basically levels the playing field among authors by giving everyone the opportunity to create well crafted quality titles for their articles.

Their tool is not a cure all.  But, depending on your niche market, the tool can help with ideas for titles to use for your articles that will draw readers.

If you are already a member; log in to your EzineArticles Member Account and click on the "Author Tools" drop down menu at the top and then select "Title Suggestions".

The next screen allows you to select your niche from the "Category" drop down menu. You can refine your title suggestion with sub-category and by typing in a keyword for your article in the "Keyword" field.

Click on the green "Get your Titles" field and a list of suggested titles will appear if your niche is represented.

You can then click the box to the right of each title you plan on using.
EzineArticles allows you a max of five titles at a time which will be reserved in your queue for seven days after you click on "Select your Titles".  If you do not use the title within seven days, the title is returned to the title pool for other authors to use.

If you don't wish to use any or all of the five titles you chose, click on the "Return This Title" button so the title can be used by other authors.

If you do decide to use a title in your article, just click on the "Use This Title" box and your title will be pre-filled into the title field of the article submission form that is brought up.

Continue writing your article, edit it and submit it in the normal manner.

Wether or not you use EzineArticles "Title Suggestions" tool or the other author tools they have available to their members is entirely up to you, but quality article titles are important in atttracting readers to your articles and directing traffic to your website.

Free Resources Need To Be Worthwhile

Sunday, June 19, 2011

We all know that the best way to catch people's attention online is to provide something of value for free.

However, free resources need to be worthwhile or your visitors will not continue visiting your site.

The concept of getting something for nothing works as long as what you are giving away is worth bothering with.

Most marketers will provide a product or resource relative to their niche.

Programmers usually give away plug-ins, writers give away written products, graphic designers give away web templates and it goes on from there.

An effective strategic online profit strategy has been to give away free resources of some type however these days almost everyone is giving stuff away for free.

You would think that FREE would automatically lock in someone's attention enough to at least generate a visit to your landing page.  However, these days it's not a guarantee.

In the early days of the Internet giving away a free e-book or some other resource would almost certainly guarantee you plenty of viral email forwards.

These days, it seems as if we are drowning in a sea of free "stuff".

Everyone seems to be giving away something for "nothing".

The point is that FREE still works, but free resources need to be worthwhile.  They must be something very relevant and worthwhile to your visitor in order to garner their attention.

Today most marketers find that they have to "sell" their free giveaways almost as if they were charging people for the resource.

Getting someone to pay attention to what you have to market carries a cost to both parties but if you make sure the resources you give away are truly worthy of attention and you make your case for why it's worthwhile; you will find that people will still gravitate to your site.

Free resources need to be worthwhile
if you expect your visitors to come visit your site but these days you really need to tell them why it's worthwhile.

Strategic Online Profit Strategies For Article Marketers

Sunday, June 5, 2011

There are some simple strategic online profit strategies for article marketers that will improve your ability to write articles more quickly and efficiently.

Writing articles quickly increases the potential amount of targeted traffic you can get to your website, which in turn increases your overall profits.

I say potential amount of targeted traffic, because the quality of your articles is the real determining factor.

Articles marketers who pump out a quality product quickly have an obvious edge on their competitors.

Here are some strategic online profit strategies for article marketers that will enable you to write quality articles more quickly.

One of the things that article marketers run into that cuts down on the amount of copy written, is the amount of time they spend in the research phase for their niche topics.

You'll get more quality copy written faster when you focus your research on only a single niche topic and then write 8 to 10 articles on that topic. Bouncing back and forth between two or three topics and writing articles haphazardly causes a loss of focus.

Splitting your research between several niche topics is not only cumbersome and distracting, it produces lower quality content. 

It's much more sensible to devote all your efforts to one niche topic before moving on to researching another topic. 

It's a well known fact that the more knowledge you have about a niche, the easier is is to write several quality content articles on that subject.

It always helps to have some basic knowledge about the subject you plan to write about. 

Selecting subjects you are already familiar with or at least have some interest in will keep your interest and improve your article marketing.

When preparing to write your articles there are several basic things you need to do if you want to crank out quality articles.

  • Pick an isolated work area away from everyone in your family.  An isolated cabin would be a great location provided you have Internet access. 

    For most of us this is impossible, so lock yourself in your office, your den or your bedroom for a set period of time and let your family members know you are not to be disturbed.
  • Get rid of your television, your radio and definitely turn off your cell phone. 
  • Get rid of any distractions you might have on your computer.  Set up a separate user on Windows that you can use strictly for writing your articles. 

    Computers can be your worst distraction as well as your best resource.
  • Keep your work area clean and free of excess garbage.  The less your attention is distracted the better your output will be.  
Your sole focus should be on producing high quality content that will drive visitors to your websites and increase your bottom line.

Following these basic strategic online profit strategies will improve your article content, your writing speed, and you will be driving noticeably more visitors to your websites.

Strategic Online Profit Strategies: Is Getting Started Or Following Through More Important?

Friday, May 13, 2011

One of the most important strategic online profit strategies that is found in every business book you  crack open up these days is to "take action".

Although taking action has long been touted as being the most important thing you need to do; we believe that finishing what you start IS DEFINITELY the most important thing you need to do.

Entrepreneurs that are successful in their online businesses, are the ones that finish what they start.

In fact one of the most common traits found in all successful individuals, is their ability to finish what they start.

The Internet is loaded with business websites that have failed because their owners simply failed to finish or follow through with their business plans.

Finishing what you start is one of the best strategic online profit strategies to generates success.

Virtually every business building resource you find on the Internet will stress "getting started" as the primary goal.

No one ever talks about how critically important it is to finish what you start.

There are a host of consequences to not following through with what you initiate. Some of these are obvious and some hidden but every good intention you have and every effort you make will be undermined by not following through with what you start.

You obviously will not be able to get anything accomplished if you don't follow through. Everyone will tell you that. But that's just the beginning.
  • On a personal level, not following through has much greater implications.
    Your self image or your perception of yourself will deteriorate if you engage in this type of faulty behavior long enough.
    You will eventually begin to see yourself as someone who can't get things done.
    This will eventually undermine your self-confidence.
    Not following through with what you start will lead to intense frustration and aggravation.
    Over time as this continues, it will slowly affect you and eventually damage your motivation to start things or begin new projects.
    If you already "know" that you have a penchant for not following through with things, why even bother to start.
    Not following through with things leads to procrastination.
  • At a business or team level, the effects of not following through can be even more severe.
    Team morale will start to deteriorate. You will lose the respect of your employees if they begin to see you as all talk and no action.
    Very few employees would consider taking a responsible leadership role when the head of the company can't follow though.
    This also gives an unspoken blessing to the entire company not follow through.
    Good leadership is all about "doing as I do", not just "doing as I say".
    When your employees sense that you don't care or see that you have a lax attitude, you can be assured they will adopt one as well.
    If that attitude ever catches on, it will invade every area of your business like a cancer.
    Everyone in your company from your marketing and sales team, down to your customer service team, will stop following through trying to implement your goals when they see that you aren't following through with implementing the goals you set for yourself.
Of all the strategic online profit strategies that are touted, not following through is the most self defeating and self destructive to you and your business.

If you ever get into the habit of not following through; not only will you be shooting yourself and your business in the foot, you'll be perceived by your peers as being unreliable, a waste of their time, a bad risk or even worse.

People will not want to work with you or for you.

Is getting started or following through more important?  In our opinion, you need to make following through second nature in your personal life and in your business associations if you expect to become a success.

Strategic Online Profit Strategies: Offering Free Incentives For Sign Ups To Your List

Saturday, May 7, 2011

Offering free incentives for sign ups to your email subscription list has become a much more widely used strategy during the current economic downturn.

People love getting anything for free, which is why offering free incentives for sign ups work so well.

There are essentially three strategic online profit strategies for getting visitors to sign up to your list when offering free gifts.

  • Signing up to your list before the bonus incentive. 

    One of the most frequently used list building methods, is to offer a generous free incentive to visitors who subscribe to your website or newsletter.  In return for your free incentive, visitors give you their email address along with permission to contact them in the future with additional information and other offers.

  • Signing up to your list after the bonus incentive. 

    Lately, this list building method is becoming more widely used online. 

    With this method links in the document content, video pages, software, or whatever encourages visitors to sign up without requiring them to opt in to get the content.  However, an opt in is necessary if the visitor requests additional information on the topic.

    An example of this strategic online profit strategy is to offer Part 1 of a 10 part video course free to your visitor, but in order for them to proceed with Part 2 of the course and forward; they are required to opt in to your list.

    This is a very effective method of offering free incentives for sign ups because if your visitor likes what you initially have to offer them, they have the option at that point of either leaving or opting in to your list to receive the remainder of the course. 

    Opt ins gathered using this strategic online profit strategy are highly targeted and far more likely to generate future sales from additional offers.
  • Signing up to your list both before and after providing an incentive.

    This method allows you to build a deeper relationship with your reader as they become your subscriber and again when they become your customer. 

    Using this strategy, you give free open content to your visitors, get their opt in, and then later reinforce the subscription with additional permissions and opt ins.This advanced method of building a targeted list moves your feed subscribers to email subscriptions by offering them additional benefits over and above your normal daily content. 

    Bloggers in particular frequently use the "before and after" incentives strategy of list building.  
Offering free incentives for sign ups to your list works; that's why almost everyone is using them!

Build Your List and Get More Leads Using YouTube Videos

Sunday, May 1, 2011

There are many ways to build your list and get more leads online, but one of the best tried and proven methods is by using YouTube videos.

YouTube videos are definitely one of the greatest ways to build your list and get more leads, but only if you know how to use them to your advantage.

Most producers of YouTube videos have a tendency to give out way too much information about their market or product line in a single video.

Instead, try using YouTube videos to dribble out small nuggets of information to your viewers on a daily basis, include an opt in link to your squeeze page where your visitors can go to subscribe. 

By dribbling out small tidbits of wisdom about your niche market product or service every single day for about a week or so; you will find that many more viewers will be willing to give you their email address. 

The dribbling effect acts like a pre-sell of an affiliate product on your website. Before directing your potential customer to your affiliate's sales page, you are whetting your viewer's appetite.

As an alternative, you can tell people to subscribe to your YouTube channel  however, it's obviously not as productive as the collection of their names and email address.

Your primary focus with YouTube videos should always be to get everybody subscribed to your channel and on to your email marketing list.

A good point to make here, is that many list builders often don't pay enough attention to their leads and often wind up under utilizing them.

Many marketers who are focused primarily on lead generation, often leave their biggest money making asset on the table.   And that is, except for the initial product sell, not using their list to sell other products to their subscribers.

It's easy to build your list and get more leads using YouTube videos, but what you do with those leads is what separates the men from the boys in the internet marketing business.

Hopefully, you do not fit into that category.
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