We see more and more marketers using one time offers but do they really work?
Are they worth the time you spend implementing them?
Do they convert well?
Do they help or hurt your business?
All these questions are relevant to your online business and should be considered before you implement One Time Offers.
Without offering any opinions, there are some things you need to know if you do plan on using One Time Offers (OTO's) in your marketing.
- If you DO use them, make sure they are to the point and will immediately grab the attention of your reader.
If your reader does click out of your OTO, make sure that they are still able to easily access the download page for the original product or service.
Often, when users click out of the one time offer and leave the webpage, they are unable to locate the original download page. All this does is create additional irritation and dissatisfaction with your customer.
- This brings us to usability.
People don't like wasting their time and usually resent this type of marketing ploy.
Make the One Time Offer page more functional by placing the "No Thank You" and "Let Me Order Now" buttons in larger fonts at the very top of the page.
This will garner you more respect with your customers and will often prompt them to scroll down the page to check out the offer.
- Make sure your One Time Offer is relevant to the product or service you are selling.
If you are selling a book or a product on saltwater fishing, don't set up a One Time Offer for an IPad or a Cannon camera. Stick with the market you are in and you will have a much better chance of interesting your customer in another product upsell.
- Make sure your One Time Offer is of substantial value to your customer.
Everyone wants a GOOD DEAL or a STEAL. Make sure you give them much more than they would normally would pay for your One Time Offer product and then add a bonus as an additional incentive.
When your customers do take advantage of your One Time Offer, make sure you get a testimonial or at least a comment on how satisfied they are with their purchase. This goes a long way in future marketing to your list.
- Lastly, make sure that your One Time Offer is unique and that it really is a One Time Offer.
Once your OTO is clicked out of, the price should revert to the original higher cost of the product.
Any bonuses or product combinations should also be discontinued after a click out.
Although you may lose some initial business, the long term effect of this policy will provide your customers the incentive to purchase One Time Offers at a later date.
It's important that your customers understand that when you make a One Time Offer, it is really a One Time Offer!
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