Regardless of whether you are seasoned in SEO or just learning the ropes, everyone makes mistakes.
The good news is that when you make a SEO mistake and it effects your page ranking, it is reversible.
These Search Engine Optimization mistakes can severely affect your page ranking and should be avoided.
- Using Keywords Incorrectly
Granted, keyword stuffing or spamming will get your site banned, but limiting the use of keywords on your web pages swings the pendulum too far in the other direction.
As long as your content reads easily and sounds natural, you probably haven't over used your keywords.
Your keywords should always be included in your heading, in your title, in your meta tags and in at least the first and last paragraphs of your content.
- Using Flash On Your Website
But for most people, using Flash can have a negative effect on your page ranking.
The search engine spiders can't read content that is embedded in Flash files. This means that they are unable to recognize the file and will not index it.
If you want to use Flash, use it sparingly on your web pages, otherwise use it strictly as a presentation tool.
- Don't Try To Fool The Search Engines
Trying to fool the search engine spiders by using hidden text, keyword spamming, blending, cloaking, etc. will only get you in trouble.
The search engines recognize these practices and will penalize you for using them.
At the least, your page ranking will be affected and at worst, your site could be banned.
If this occurs, none of the search engines will pick up your URL and no one will be able to find your site. This is a disaster for any business website.
- Do Not Use Your Company Name As The Only Title Tag
The Title Tag is intended to be used for the primary keyword of each web page. You can use your company name in the Title Tag but use it judiciously.
Using the Title Tag to describe each page is more useful to your customers and helps the search engine spiders correctly identify each page of your website.
- Don't Use Splash Pages
Splash pages are inneffective for a variety of reasons.
- There is no keyword rich text on the page. This means there is nothing for the search engine spiders to index.
- There can be only one internal link on the page
- Splash pages usually redirect to another URL, which causes the search engine spiders to ignore them.
As long as you provide an easy to navigate content rich home page on your site, link visitors and the search engine spiders to your other main web pages, you should have no SEO problems.
If you have already tried to outsmart the search engines by using any of these Search Engine Optimization mistakes and have found your ranking in the toilet, most of them are reversible.
Usually if you just correct the mistake, you can increase your page ranking almost overnight.
All these Search Engine Optimization mistakes are easily avoidable, so take a minute to evaluate your SEO strategy and perk up your site ranking.
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