Twitter Conversation Marketing: How Twitter Conversation Marketing Helps Your Public Relations

Saturday, August 20, 2011

Twitter conversation marketing isn't necessarily just marketing your company's product or service on Twitter's website.  It's more like under-marketing.

Twitter conversation marketing uses subtle engagement and conversation to communicate directly with the Twitter community to paint a more compassionate, softer face on the business community.

It consists of sharing your company's culture and values with people who are already active on the Social Web.  It also improves on your company products, handling processes, and customer service.

Proactively sharing your company's culture and values on Twitter creates a humanizing effect for your business that can attract more users to become part of your community. 

Twitter conversation marketing
also effectively increases sales.

Many larger companies are already successfully using some form or Twitter conversation marketing in their advertising campaigns.

Zappos, at @zappos, has over 435 employees using Twitter, including their CEO, Tony Hsieh. 

Tony Hsieh at last count, has over a million followers, which should tell you something about the effectiveness of Twitter conversation marketing.

Many other large businesses also acknowledge that proactively sharing information about their company's culture and values, humanizes their businesses and increases their gross sales.

Frankly it's much easier for most consumers to embrace the openness of businesses, especially with the larger corporations, when their members are seen communicating on Twitter.

Twitter conversation marketing definitely achieves this.


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