Strategic Online Profit Strategies For Successful YouTube Videos
Monday, December 27, 2010
Good marketing videos pay particular attention to picture quality, video length, audio quality, interesting content and an easily recognized message for viewers.
One of the strategic online profit strategies for successful YouTube videos that is often overlooked by video producers is their usefulness to the viewer.
It's a fact that some of the most watched videos on the Internet, are videos that teach people how to do things.
When done properly, creating simple "How To" videos, is a strategic online profit strategy that can attract hundreds of thousands of YouTube viewers to your website.
Often a short simple video on "how to change your air conditioning filter", "how to set up an aquarium", "how to upload a WordPress Theme" or "how to make turkey salad" will generate much more interest than other more "professionally produced" YouTube videos.
People have a genuine thirst for knowledge on almost any subject you can think of and when a YouTube video provides an answer or a solution to their questions; they will flock to your video to view it.
Giving your audience useful information through the use of YouTube videos can be maximized by providing them with a series of step by step "how to" videos.
This technique works especially well with more technical subjects, but can be accomplished with almost any topic.
Giving your audience a step by step video presentation on "how to install a WordPress blog" can be accomplished just as easily as "how to catch pompano in the surf".
The secret word is USEFUL information.
In order for strategic online profit strategies to be successful in any venue, they must first provide useful information to the consumer.
Strategic Online Profit Strategies For Using PLR Articles
Friday, December 17, 2010
These two ideas are a good way to use all those extra PLR articles that you might have taking up space on your hard drive.
- Try using PLR articles to create 'Advertorials'.
Because Advertorials are created to look like a magazine or newspaper article, they are usually read more often by the public and generally provide a greater response than generic advertisements.
This stands to reason because like most of us; people tend to ignore conventional advertisements unless they look different or tweak our interest with some unconventional gimmick.
Most people have trained themselves to ignore advertisements on the television, radio or in written text. So, the less your advertisement looks like an ad; the better the chance you have of it being read by someone.
Use your PLR articles and weave your sales pitch into them to provide solid content for your readers.
You can get plenty of examples of how to create good advertorials by flipping through any magazine or newspaper.
- Use your PLR articles to populate your own forum.
You need people posting to your forum so that other people will post to it. Usually people shy away from posting to a forum until they see lots of content and other posts that visitors have already made.
It's whats called the "chicken and the egg" syndrome.
Posts attract posts and content attracts additional content.
You can solve this dilemma by dusting off and using your PLR articles to create good content to populate your forum. This encourages others to begin posting to it.
You can use your PLR articles to spark discussions and either have your friends post these articles for you, or ask them to join in the discussion on the threads where you have already posted your PLR articles.
Whichever way you choose, you should have a thriving forum full of good quality content in no time at all by using PLR articles in this manner.
These are only two of the many Strategic Online Profit Strategies For Using PLR Articles that can make you money without any out of pocket expenses of your own.
You can find other uses for your PLR articles here.
Sunday, December 5, 2010
Social bookmark sites are normally used to share bookmarks with your friends and for keeping an accessible history of websites that you enjoy browsing.
Most people save their favorite sites inside their Firefox, Internet Explorer, Chrome, or Bing browsers; but when you find yourself using another computer, you lose your browsing history.
Using Social Bookmarking Sites allows you to save your bookmarks online so you can view them later on any computer you happen to be using at the time.
Clever web developers have discovered ways to use other people's bookmarking data to find and compile the most popular websites on the Internet.
Although you might think that this has nothing to do with getting links for SEO rankings or using Social Bookmarking Sites to provide permanent one way links to your website or blog, you would be dead wrong.
Because most of the social bookmarking sites make their bookmarks available to the search engines; the search engines have been using these links as popularity indicators and as a determining factor as to which websites are considered "quality" sites.
This is why the search engines love indexing the links on social bookmarking sites. They correctly perceive them as good indicators of a "quality" website.
When the Social Bookmarking Sites really became popular; every bookmark link on websites like or, were counted as a vote.
And the more times your website is bookmarked on one of these Social Bookmarking Sites, the more votes it gets.
If your website gets enough votes, it can show up on the homepage of a social bookmarking site and get a huge amount of visitor traffic.
The best way you can provide permanent one way links to your website or blog is by getting your links placed on all of the best social bookmarking sites in such a way that the search engines will be sure to notice them.
Getting the search engines to notice your links can be done more easily if you do the following:
- Look for and use only quality social bookmarking sites. There are tons of social bookmarking sites out there and not all of them will have the same weight with the search engines. Use SEO Quake to look for the best and most popular sites to get the best results.
- Permanency is important. Links that are permanent and will help your site rank better for a longer period of time with the search engines.
- Focus on getting only links that are on pages already indexed by the search engines.
- Your "Do Follow" links placed on a quality social bookmark site will give the best results. When possible, it's better not to place links that have the "no follow" attribute on sites like Digg or
Learn more about getting social bookmarking traffic using private label rights here.
Email Marketing: How to Set Up A Successful Product Giveaway
Friday, November 26, 2010
Giveaway events are a great way to quickly build your mailing list. They will also get your product name and business brand in front of a ton of people very quickly.
Savvy marketers have discovered that putting viral versions of their ebooks into a product giveaway, will increase targeted traffic to their websites and introduce their products to thousands of people at almost no cost.
This article will give people who are thinking about getting involved in a giveaway event, an idea of how to "put it all together" without being totally overwhelmed setting up the process.
Before you even bother searching for a product giveaway to involve yourself in, you will need the following:
- a domain main and website hosting for your giveaway folder
- a product or multiple products to give away
- a short description of your product or products
- a "one time offer" product to promote as a purchase incentive
- an Upsell product is not necessary, but is recommended
- an clear image of your product
- an autoresponder service, so you can set up a new list.
- an opt-in squeeze page
- a “Thank You" and "OTO” landing page for your visitors to land on after they click “submit” button
- a “Download" and/or "Upsell” page for your visitors to land on after they click link on the confirmation email
- a welcome email
- a series of follow-up emails to promote other products.
Points are awarded for every referral you send to the event and the more points you acquire, the higher up your gift will appear on the gifts page. (Something like SEO affecting your site ranking in the search engine results page of Google.)
Like Google's PPC; most product giveaways will offer you an upgrade option where you receive bonus points and have your gift listed, regardless of how much traffic you contribute to the giveaway.
This is particularly advantageous to newcomers to email marketing who haven't already built a substantial list. Most newcomers will want to pay for the upgrade which usually runs only about $10 to $20 dollars.
First pick a product to give away in the event and write a brief description for it. Using PLR products with "giveaway" rights is probably the best way to go, unless you have already developed your own unique product.
Because PLR products can be totally edited; you can modify it, create a new product image cover for it, and make sure it doesn't conflict with any other product being given away on the event.
With PLR products, you can rewrite a condensed version, put it in a "Special Report" to give away at the event, and use the full version as an upgrade for your One Time Only offer.
If you decide on using a one time offer with an upsell product, be sure it that relates to your giveaway product. You can include an advertisement in your giveaway product to your OTO product and an ad for your upsell product. Put one ad in the front of the book and another ad on the last page; or just place both ads on the very last page.
To make things easy, use your giveaway product sales page as a template for your opt in and all your other pages.
Use the most compelling headlines and bullet points, and replace the "buy now" button with your opt in form.
Get rid of all the superfluous BS and remember that even though this is a giveaway event; in order to get people to give you their email address, you still have to promote the benefits of your product.
Set up the landing page, which is what people first see when they click the "submit" button on your opt in form.
This page tells your visitors to check their inbox for a confirmation email and to click the link in order to receive their download.
Use the sales page template to create this page, so that all your pages have the same basic look.
The "Thank You" landing page is where you can promote your OTO product if you decide to have one.
For instance; if you are giving away a free ebook as your product, you can offer a "video training course" or a "software product" as an upgrade to the ebook, at a one time only low price on the "Thank You" page.
You need to set up your product Download page along with your Upsell, if you are using one.
This is the page where your visitors land when they click on the confirmation link in their emails.
You can use either this page or the sales page for your upsell. As long as you prominently display the "DOWNLOAD" link when using the download page for your upsell, it really doesn't matter.
Upload a folder to your domain for the giveaway event that contains the four pages you set up. The Opt In or Squeeze Page, the Thank You and OTO page, the Download or Upsell page, and your product download URL.
Next you need to create your autoresponder list for the giveaway event. Make sure you add your Thank You URL when you set up the opt in form, the URL for your Download Page when you set up the verification email, and then copy the opt in form code and paste it into the opt in Squeeze Page you created.
Entering the correct URLs in the correct sequence is important, so TEST your Squeeze Page when you're finished to make sure your visitor traffic is being directed to the right pages.
- When you click the Submit button on your Squeeze Page, you should be directed to the Thank You page.
- When you check your inbox, you should have received the verification email.
- When you click on the verification link, you should be directed to the Download Page.
- When you click on the Download, you should receive your product giveaway.
If everything is working correctly, you can add your Welcome message to your new subscriber and include another link to your Download and/or Upsell page.
This will give you a second shot at capturing a sale, while offering your visitor a second chance to download your offer, just in case they missed it the first time around.
When you sign into the giveaway event dashboard to add your free gift, you will need to provide everything you did in the above steps, so be prepared to furnish it.
Once you have your product set up for one giveaway event; you can easily duplicate it for future giveaway events that you might be interested in joining. Even if you change your product, most of the work will already be done by you.
Setting up a successful product giveaway takes time and effort but for the work involved, there is no better way to grow your list and improve your bottom line.
Here are some giveaway ideas that will quickly grow your list.
Strategic Planning: When Is The Best Time For Strategic Planning?
Saturday, November 20, 2010
Strategic planning is also important in determining how your business is going to get there and how you will know when and if your plan is achieved or not.
A strategic plan is normally focused on an entire organization, whereas the focus of a business plan is usually on a particular program, product, or service.
The strategic planning scheduling process depends on the nature and needs of an organization and it's market.
For example, in an organization that is in an industry whose products and services are rapidly changing, strategic planning should be carried out more frequently than in an industry that is not.
Strategic planning in this type of industry should probably be conducted in a comprehensive and detailed manner at least twice a year, in order to remain competitive and implement their goals.
Particular attention should be paid to mission, values, environmental issues, vision, objectives, responsibilities, time lines, goals, strategies, budgets, etc.
On the other hand, if an organization is in a stable market and has been around for many years; strategic planning could be carried out only once a year on only parts of the planning process.
Here are some guidelines to strategic planning you should consider.
Strategic planning should be done well before hand when an organization is just getting started. It should be part of the overall business plan along with a strategic marketing plan, an operational management plan, and a financial plan.
Strategic planning should always be done in preparation for any new business venture. This could be a partnership, a new product line, or just the development of a new division or department.
Strategic planning should also be conducted prior to each fiscal year's end. This is necessary to identify the organizational goals for the upcoming year. It is also required in order to determine what resources will be needed to achieve those goals and what financial planning is needed to acquire the funds for those resources.
Budget planning for the upcoming fiscal year is always an essential part of strategic planning.
A full strategic planning review should be conducted at least once every three years for a company that is not experiencing tremendous changes or annually if the organization is new or in a state of flux.
Strategic action plans should be updated yearly and during the updating process; the progress of the implementation should also be reviewed and modified when necessary.
Because strategic planning is so important in determining the fate of an organization; the frequency of reviews depends entirely on the degree of change an organization experiences.
If your company, regardless of it's size is not doing any strategic planning, you should implement some sort of policy immediately.
Here are the 5 primary reasons for business failure online that strategic planning can help you avoid.
Reasons To Market Your Products On YouTube
Saturday, November 13, 2010
There are many good reasons to market your products on YouTube and all of them will improve your bottom line.
Millions of people get on YouTube every day to watch videos and while away their time.
By including your website address and other business information into your or others videos; some of these users will visit your website and hopefully either purchase your products or services, or sign up to your list.
Here is a valid list of reasons to market your products on YouTube.
- You can get people interested in visiting your website by producing short informative videos that highlight your expertise in your specific area of business.
- By interacting with the YouTube community, leaving comments on other people's pages, and uploading video responses to videos on topics that are related to your business; you can get your business name or brand spread all over the web.
Because YouTube is a social utility site, the more your business name or brand is out there, the more hits your marketing videos will receive.
- You can add your YouTube channel website address to your other marketing promotionals and social networking profiles, to increase the visibility of your business brand, products and services.
- By uploading video testimonials of your customers, you can improve on your business credibility. When doing this, it's important that you don't turn your video testimonials into an infomercial or you may lose credibility.
- You can literally infuse new life to your products or services on YouTube, by showing the results of how someone is substantially benefited by using your product or service.
- To make it easier for people to find your website; use your video to advertise your business or product making sure to include your company information, your name, URL, phone number and email address in every video.
- Promote product placement by allowing others to use your product in their videos and vice versa. This is an extremely effective strategy that benefits both parties.
- Most people are visual creatures and appreciate being shown a video instead of reading a FAQ or "How To" article. If you are able to produce good marketing videos that answer questions and describe how to do things, you will be a step ahead of your competition.
- You can upload your videos to YouTube and then use them on your website by embedding the code into your web pages where people can easily find them.
This also creates great backlinks that the search engines love.
- Another of the many good reasons to market your products on YouTube, is that you can enter into a partnership with them and earn money from your You Tube marketing videos.
You can learn more about building web traffic with YouTube here.
Video Marketing: How Long Is Too Long For A Video?
Friday, November 5, 2010
What impact does the length of your video have on it's chance for success?
Does the length of your video affect it's viral potential?
Are short videos more likely to go viral?
All these questions are important to video marketers but in the final analysis, there is no direct correlation between the length of your video and it potential to go viral.
The length of a video does impact on the message that a video is trying to convey. However, it doesn't seem to have any affect whatsoever on the ability of a video to go viral.
If you stop and think about it, there are many viral video hits that are very very short in duration; like this one about a little girl being pulled by her dog and falling on her face.
That video is probably no longer than 4 seconds, yet it has garnered over 1,595,317 hits as of this writing.
There are also many viral hits that are in excess of 90 minutes, such as the Star Wars Attack of the Clones review.
There are nine segments to the review that are about 10 minutes long each.
Those videos received anywhere from 1,242,872 hits on the first video segment, to 526,189 hits on the last video, as of this writing.
Because I just can't bear to see anyone sit through a boring nine segment review, I didn't include the video. If you care to view it for yourself, here is the URL for the first part:!.
My point is that no one really knows how long is too long for a video.
What is obvious, is that the quality of your content is far more important to the viral success of your video, than the length of your video.
Generally, the longer your video plays, the less likely your viewers will remain on your site; unless you can provide them with engaging content.
On the other hand, a video that is too short cannot make the point you are trying to convey to your audience; unless you can provide them with engaging content.
Obviously, if you are trying to imprint your brand on your audience, you will most likely need a video that is more than 3 or 4 seconds long in order to accomplish your goal.
However, we all know that "short" has become the new trend. Short is currently popular and in vogue. Just look at Twitter with their 140 character limit if you don't think so.
The public has always had a short attention span and most people won't spend more than 5 to 15 seconds on any website online, unless the content is compelling.
In the final analysis and with very few exceptions, length has almost no bearing on whether a video goes viral.
As long as people enjoy what's in your video they will share it with their friends.
So. How long is to too long for a video?
How To Find Laser Targeted Keywords By Local Area Visitors
Saturday, October 30, 2010
Although you can obtain usable results from the Google search engines using your keyword and this query:
"keyword" + "local area" the results are often lacking in specifics.
When you need locally targeted keywords for your campaign, you can go to Google AdWords but you still will not get the best results possible.
Another lesser known solution is the Local PPC AdWords Keyword Tool, which you can get at a neat little site called
Among other things, the site also allows you to create a free optimized website for your small business.
The video below does a great job of explaining exactly how the PPC AdWords Keyword Tool can find laser targeted key words by local area visitors.
Give it a try for yourself and while you're at it, get yourself a business website for free.
Directory Submissions Can Get You Tons Of High Quality One Way Links
Saturday, October 23, 2010
We all know that as the search engines continue to evolve, it's getting more and more difficult to get top search engine rankings.
The major search engines now, highly favor, websites that have a large number of high quality one way links pointing to them.
Because of this, it is now absolutely critical that we consistently get other websites to link to us, WITHOUT us linking back to them.
Yes, reciprocal linking has become less and less valuable to the search engines compared to high quality one way links.
An excellent way to get high quality one way links pointing back to your website, is to submit your website to website directories.
Many of the website directories online have a high amount of page rank and have been online for several years.
The are two extremely important criteria for determining what a good link is, vs what a bad link is. These two criteria are:
- The Page Rank of the website that is linking to you.
- The age of the website that is linking to you
Many of these directories have both a high Page Rank AND are
old websites, thereby giving them more authority and power in the search engines.
The good news is that there are literally thousands of website directories on the internet that are absolutely free for you to submit your website to, so you can achieve high quality one way links!
Although they are an excellent way to help increase your search engine rankings, the problem is that it takes a great deal of time to find these directories and then manually fill out all of the required criteria to submit your website.
There are however some very good website directory submission software products on the market; the best of which is a product called Directory Submitter which was created by Brad Callen.
This particular directory submitter is a real time saver.
Essentially, you simply enter all of your website details into the software program one time and then click on any of the 1600+ website directories in the software program.
The directory submission software then automatically fills in all of the submission criteria for you and when you Click the submit button, instantly adds your site to the website directory.
So, not only does it save you time in finding all of these directories, BUT it saves you an incredible amount of time filling out each and every website's submission criteria.
I definitely consider it my secret weapon.
Turnkey Websites: Why You Should Bother With Turnkey Websites
Friday, October 15, 2010
Of all the different types of websites that are available on the Internet, turnkey websites are the most suited for newcomers to Internet marketing.
Turnkey websites seem to be the perfect business model for people interested in quickly making money, without spending any.
Turnkey websites are relatively easy to set up and administer. This makes them particularly appealing to newcomers interested in starting a home based business as quickly as possible.
Turnkey websites make it easier to get into business without a major life change. Because they basically run on their own when properly set up, it's not necessary to drastically change your lifestyle and spend an inordinate amount of time watching over them to make money.
Unlike conventional websites; turnkey websites require no HTML or technical knowledge to create. When you purchase them or occasionally acquire them for free during giveaways; everything on the website is already created for you by professionals.
Turnkey websites are preloaded with professionally written content specific to their niche topics. You can also add your own content or edit the written content that is provided in order to create a more unique site if you so desire.
Turnkey websites are usually provided with a variety of money making affiliate programs such as AdSense, Clickbank, Amazon or other affiliate products already loaded on the site. The only thing the user is required to do is edit their AdSense, Clickbank, or Amazon affiliate links to start earning money.
Turnkey Websites are easy to set up and administer. Once they are uploaded to your server, changes or additions to the site can easily be made through the admin panel.
Although most turnkey websites are already optimized for the search engines and can be easily tweaked to improve the search engine rankings; the more web traffic you funnel to them, the more money you will earn.
Finally, the main reason why you should bother with turnkey websites is that most are extremely inexpensive to purchase and occasionally even free for the asking, when offered as giveaways.
Here are a few examples of different types of turnkey websites that can provide you with a steady income stream when you set up enough of them.
Independently, each site may only provide a few dollars per day, but when you amass a network of 40 or 50 turnkey websites; you're looking at some substantial earnings over a given period of time.
Strategic Online Profit Strategies For E-mail Marketing
Sunday, October 10, 2010
One of the most cost effective strategic online profit strategies in use today is email marketing.
Whether you're raising money for a non-profit, marketing your product or service, promoting an affiliate product, or just keeping your audience engaged; email marketing is probably the cheapest way to reach and keep in contact with your constituents.
Of all the strategic online profit strategies we use, email marketing must be done in an extremely cautious manner or instead of increasing your marketing audience, it can actually turn away your potential clients.
What keeps consumers reading your emails?
What makes your customers unsubscribe from your email list?
Studies show that more than half of consumers report occasionally unsubscribing from their email lists for one reason or another and another 15% report that they frequently unsubscribe from email lists.
There are three reasons most often cited for unsubscribing:
- The unusually high frequency of email messages.
- Receiving content that is perceived as being irrelevant.
- Believing that email addresses are being sold or disseminated to others.
To to this and become successful, you need to do some research.
- If you're not already tracking your viewers response to your emails, start doing so immediately.
By tracking your communications, you can determine over time which topics are most interesting to your potential clients and put more focus on those topics.
Over time you will begin to see trends develop with the type of articles that most interest your clients, the tone of those articles and what issues dominate your niche market.
A good strategic online profit strategy would be to then package your information to make it more palatable to your readers.
Packaging information to your readers in a more digestible form will often increase your click through rate and reduce the number of unsubscribers.
- Try conducting surveys with your list to see exactly what they want.
When the results come in, look at ways you can segregate your email lists to better target your messages. If there are obvious problems with your content, this is the best way to get a handle on it and remedy the situation.
These strategic online profit strategies will allow you to better know your readers needs and significantly decrease the number of unsubscribers from your list.
It's a fact the the majority of consumers use email as their primary online method of communication and although social networks and instant messaging is being used more frequently; email marketing will be here to stay for years to come.
Never underestimate strategic online profit strategies for email marketing.
The Golden Rules of Niche Mining
Sunday, October 3, 2010
Before you dive into any niche, you need to be 99% certain that it’s going to be profitable.
How can you be so sure? Well, the truth is that no one can be absolutely sure 100% of the time, but by adhering to the golden rules of niche mining, you can substantially narrow the odds of picking a non money making niche.
Here are the three Golden Rules of Niche Mining you need to know before you even think of setting up a website.
- Good Niche Markets Should Never Be Too Small
Regardless of how you choose to promote your product or service in a small market, you will find that there is usually not enough interest there to earn any substantial profits.
Although there are some high ticket items you can promote in small niche markets; people normally don't earn enough from them to make it worth the time and effort that is expended.
One typical example is zither music.
A Google search turns up only 41,100 search results for this query. Although for a high ticket item this would be a potentially good niche market; the cost of zither music makes it's pretty much a non-starter.
If you don't have enough people in the niche market of your choosing, there will be little to no profits for you to enjoy.
- Good Niche Markets Should Never Be Too Big
The flip side of picking a market with little to no interest, is picking a market that is so overly crowded that you can't compete. If you can't carve out a nice piece of the pie, all you will get are the crumbs.
A typical example is the Internet marketing training niche.
A Google search turns up over 50,400,000 results for "Internet marketing training". You don't have to be a rocket scientist to realize that this niche market is not for the faint of heart.
It is already maxed out with professional Internet marketers that are dominating the search engines and the market as a whole.
To make any money at all in this market, you would have to spend tons of money in order to create a suitable product for consumption and get your website ranked high in the search engines.
Even if you could eventually break into this market niche, the odds are you wouldn't make a dime. This market niche should definitely be left to the professionals who dominate that market.
Super saturated niche markets with hundreds of thousands of competitors should be avoided like the plague.
- Good Niche Markets Should Be A Balance Between The Two
Your niche should be large enough to be profitable, yet small enough for you to be competitive. You don't ever want to enter a niche market where you can be shut out of the competition.
The golden rules of niche mining sound easy enough to incorporate, but finding elusive niche markets is not an easy task.
Most people can’t even tell you how they managed to find their good market niches.
While many stumble upon them by accident and couldn't repeat their success if their life depended on it; others methodically devote a lot of their time and effort to researching and niche mining.
Learn How To Research And Target Keywords Using Free Tools, Here.
Blogging: Who Are You?
Sunday, September 26, 2010
When you visit a blog, you want to know who the person is behind the words that are written before you accept the information you receive as factual.
Who are you? What are you blogging about? What are your qualifications? Why are you blogging?
All these questions should be answered by you if you expect your visitors to trust anything you have to say, especially if your blog is an "educational" type.
Who are you?, is extremely important if you run a "How To" blog on almost anything.
People want to know abut your qualifications and that you are credible before they take anything you say "to the bank"; so why not provide the information up front?
If you have a website or blog, why not take some time to check your "Contact" or "About Page" to insure that the information you provide your visitors instills faith that you know what you are talking about.
If you don't already have a "Contact" or "About Page" on your website or blog; it's probably a good time to set one up.
Having this single page can help people decide whether or not what you have to say is worth of reading and writing about or linking to.
You don't need to provide your complete resume, but you need to provide something that gives your readers a clue as to who you are.
If you use; the WordPress Theme you have chosen probably already features an "About Page".
Check your sidebar or in the header, for a link to "About". If it's not there, you can easily add it by clicking Manage > Pages and adding an About Page of your own.
You don't have to include your life history in your "About" page, but you should tell people something about you, even if you use a fictitious name, in order for them to trust what you say.
If you have a business site; you must provide certain bits of information in order to do business.
You must provide an address, your URL, and a valid email address. Otherwise, it's not necessary to give out this information.
What you choose to share with your visitors is entirely up to you, but it's a good idea to provide enough information so that your visitors know; Who are you? What you're writing about? Why you're writing about it? and Why they should listen to you.
If your visitors now can't answer the question, Who are you? You need to get to work!
Strategic Online Profit Strategies Based On Alliances Work!
Sunday, September 19, 2010
Strategic online profit strategies based on alliances with reputable companies who are not in direct competition with you, but have a similar product line or service to yours, will reduce your advertising costs and increase your customer base.
The important thing to remember is that you need to allay yourself with companies that offer superior products or services to their customers.
If you can attract a strategic alliance with a company that has a large customer base, you can increase your profits tremendously in a very short period of time.
Strategic online profit strategies based on alliances is not a new concept and it is definitely an under utilized strategy with the majority of small to medium sized companies.
Here are some examples of strategic online profit strategies based on alliances that work well particularly with companies that have a large customer database.
- Endorsing and adding additional non competitive products to your customer database
- Reactivating archived customers that received service subscriptions
- Getting new customers by using opt in subscriber forms.
- Using targeted email campaigns to create a "sales funnel" of new customers.
- Sharing the results of profit pulling sales copy on non competitive products with your alliance with direct mail advertising copy
- Sharing cross selling direct mail advertising costs by promoting non competitive products to each customer base
Many of the larger companies don't even have a basic squeeze page or place on their websites for visitors to obtain additional information about their company.
This is unfortunate because most clients like to be rewarded and continually looked after with additional product or service follow ups after their initial purchase, even if the product was produced by another company.
Often companies inexperienced in business marketing strategies who have never set up a strategic alliance, try to implement these strategies themselves only to wind up with limited success.
Unless you know how to set up your business marketing strategy correctly and are experienced, it can easily backfire causing a tremendous amount of damage to customer loyalty and longevity.
Strategic online profit strategies based on alliances can be highly lucrative and productive when both parties collaborate on their business marketing strategies.
Often just a simple form on each website asking the visitor if they want to receive additional information, a free business report, a free sample or trial, or a free ebook or catalog will immediately improve the customer base and bottom line of the strategic alliance.
There are multiple ways to increase business profits without having to do much more than send your existing customers a targeted email or a direct mail letter.
Like partnerships and joint ventures, strategic online profit strategies based on alliances will work to your benefit, regardless of the size of your company as long as both parties share their input.
Core Strategic Online Profit Strategies That Increase Your Impact
Saturday, September 18, 2010
With today's technology revolutionizing the way businesses strategize; you can now reach thousands or even hundreds of thousands of people with just a small dedicated sales team that adheres to some core strategic online profit strategies.
Below are a few core strategic online profit strategies that have been proven effective over the years and are successfully used by thousands of businesses.
- It's imperative that you make your website dynamic and interactive.
You only have a few valuable seconds to make a positive impression and communicate your intent to your visitors. Visitors have come to expect to see the content management systems that most companies are now using, in lieu of traditional static websites.
You need to offer fresh, compelling content to encourage website visitors to return regularly. If possible, try to get your visitors involved with your business in some meaningful way.
Remember that your website is your public face and you may never get another chance to make a positive first impression with your potential customers.
- Managing and consolidating your contacts is one of the often overlooked core strategic online profit strategies that is critical to any business.
It is critical that your business has a system that enables you to manage all your business relationships.
This includes your customers, donors, individual contributors, volunteers, colleagues, business or JV partners, media, elected officials, etc. Many online businesses use some sort of CRM (Constituent Relationship Management) system that enables them to manage all of their business relationships through a single versatile database.
This allows businesses to easily target and personalize email campaigns, newsletters, special offers or promotions, or even fundraising drives if your business is a non-profit organization. Consolidating your contacts also makes it easy to aggregate and track your results.
- Use aggressive email marketing.
Email marketing is one of the most cost effective core strategic online profit strategies available to reach your target audience and your existing customers.
Email marketing gives you a substantial return for every dollar invested. It is timely, highly targeted, cheap, and builds trust and fidelity with your customers.
To ensure that your emails reach a broad base and are well targeted; you need to already have an accurate widely populated CRM system; or acquire your own targeted list using squeeze pages, product giveaways, etc.
- Promote online networks and partnerships.
Remember that the more traffic and links you have to your website; the higher your page rank and listing in the relevant search engine results.
Each and every back link and visit to your website counts toward your prominence in the search engine rankings. It is critical to get your website listed on the first page of a relevant search in order to increase your business credibility and visibility.
You can list your business or organization in all relevant directories and if applicable, professional associations, and get a back link to your website whenever possible.
Avoid "link exchanges", but do exchange links with partners and colleagues, especially those that already have a high PageRank. If you are a non profit organization; ask your donors to link to your site.
You can also use social networking sites like Twitter, Facebook, or LinkedIn to increase your web presence and use the network of bloggers to your benefit.
- Always monitor the results of your efforts.
Google Analytics is an excellent way to keep tabs on what exactly is driving traffic to your website. It can also spot why traffic is not being driven to your site so you can correct the situation.
It takes time to discover which campaigns work and what doesn't. Monitoring the results of your communications will spotlight which topics peak your audience's interest and which strategies generate the greatest response rate from your customers. What works best for one company is often unique to that company and may not work for your business.
Test and continually refine your strategies until you come up with a winning formula.
Using Using Geo Specific Keywords To Increase Your AdSense Earnings
Sunday, August 29, 2010
A neat little trick many Internet marketers use for building their blogs; is to focus on geo specific keywords to increase your AdSense earnings.
Making money online with AdSense can be a daunting task if you don't focus on the right market niche and the correct keywords.
To isolate a market niche and to maximize your AdSense earnings, try targeting your market using geo specific keyword phrases instead of broad search terms.
Before you set up your AdSense information site, you need to thoroughly research your niche market to determine how much and what type of competition you will encounter.
You can easily accomplish this by using Google's keword tool among others that are available online.
If you are interested in creating a blog or website that will make money for you with adsense advertisments, you need to follow some these basic steps.
- Search for a popular "Hot" topic that interests you and that you can provide useful information on.
- Using Google's keyword tool, search for keyword ideas using the general broad search term.
- When you have your list of keywords, do several other searches using geo specific keywords and note the average CPC of each.
- When you find a relatively small amount of competition and a decent cost per click, you can begin building your AdSense site around those and similar keywords.
In essence you are creating a site around specifically targeted keywords that people are more likely to purchase items from when searching.
Here is an example of what I mean.
If you are creating a site on web site design, you might consider building your site around the keyword phrase "web site design", which currently has a global monthly search of 550.000, a local monthly search of 368.000, and an average cost per click bid of $4.63.
At first glance it seems that creating a website that provides information about web site design would be quite profitable if you had targeted AdSense ads included on your site on this keyword topic.
However, let's take a closer look and do a geo specific keyword lookup for "Florida website design".
This keyword phrase has a global monthly search of 22,000, a local monthly search of 18,100, and an average cost per click bid of $5.06.
Obviously, building a website around the topic Florida Website Design would be the better and more profitable choice for you to carry AdSense ads and for promoting affiliates in Florida.
Building multiple websites or blogs, using geo specific keywords to increase your AdSense earnings and target your niche market, can provide you with a seamless income stream with only a minimum of effort on your part.
To learn how to make a fortune online using Google AdSense, CLICK HERE.
Email Marketing For Non Internet Based Companies
Saturday, August 28, 2010
Strategic Online Profit Strategies: AutoBlogging 101
Saturday, August 21, 2010
The reasons is simple.
Once you have your autoblog set up and have all your blog posts queued; you can begin earning money and not need to touch or revisit your blog for quite some time.
The time you save can be used to set up more autoblogs and generate additional profits elsewhere.
As you have probably surmised; autoblogging is about blogs that run on their own, without you having spend time posting to and frittering over.
Autoblogging can be set up for free on both the Blogger and Wordpress platforms.
- First you need to determine your topic or theme.
You can choose a broad topic like "weight loss" or "fishing" or a narrower topic such as "Generating Traffic On Twitter" or "Fishing For Redfish In The Mosquito Lagoon".
- Next you need to get content for your blog.
The key to good content for autoblogging is to mix up the content so you can hold the interest of your visitors.
To do this, add some audio or video content to your text articles and a picture or two, to keep things interesting and add variety to your autoblog.
- The next step is to monetize your autoblog.
Clickbank products, Commission Junction affiliate links and Google's AdSense, are good places to start monetizing. Sign up for each of them and place them strategically in your autoblog.
Periodically rotating their positions, size, text color, etc. is a good idea, in order to obtain the best click through results.
- Traffic Generation is the last and most important step, after your autoblog is correctly set up.
Social networking sites like Twitter, MySpace, and Facebook will also dramatically increase your autoblogging traffic.
The trick here is to get backlinks to your autoblog without looking as if you're promoting your site. Instead, increase your credibility by providing some useful information and "sharing" your site URL with your followers.
Of all the strategic online profit strategies we can think of; autoblogging is not only the easiest but provides the most return for the least amount of work.
Making Money Online: Targeted Traffic Equals Money
Wednesday, August 4, 2010
We all know you that after you have come up with a great product, the most important thing you need to do, is generate traffic to your website. Without substantial amounts of traffic, you have no business.
Here are some methods to increase traffic to your website that you can implement right away.
Invest in some good paid advertising with Google and Yahoo. As long as there is money available in the till, this is an excellent way to generate immediate targeted web traffic for your business.
- Invest in creating backlinks to your website.
There are many effective strategies for using "link bait" to persuade people to click through to your website.
- Begin using viral marketing techniques to spread the word about your company.
Attach or "brand" you business website to a popular video, interesting article, software, or onine game to create a buzz with viewers. This method also attracts valuable backlinks.
- Write some articles about your product or service and include the URL to your site in the article resource box at the end of the article.
- SEO is something that should be done on any content you create, anywhere!
There are many other ways to generate targeted traffic such as joining forums, writing newsletters, ezines, and press releases that are also used by online businesses quite effectively.
You can learn more about how to generate targeted traffic to your website and about home income systems here.
Strategies Used In The Greatest Press Releases
Wednesday, July 28, 2010
The greatest press releases do not prompt journalists to write an article; great press releases are actually published as articles.
Although that may sound like an abstraction to reporters that are always strapped for time; in many cases the better your press release, the more of it will ends up verbatim in the reporter's finished article.
So one of the best strategies used in the greatest press releases, is to simply stop writing press releases, and start writing news stories.
Why bother spending money writing a press release that no one actually reads? Why not just write a news story that puts the readers first and will provide you greater rewards in social media?
Modern press releases differ from conventional press releases because they actually get published as is.
In other words, thanks to online PR services, your press release, or news story, will automatically become web content, which means it has a shot at automatically becoming news.
Here are some pointers to writing a news story that will captivate your audience.
- Provide a sure fire compelling headline
- Provide a strong opening that paints a picture that social media users can relate to.
- Use persuasive content that adheres to all the laws of great blogging.
- Don't create drivel, or self indulgent marketing garbage; your news story must be newsworthy and valuable.
- Don't wast words, get directly to the point.
- Optimize your news story completely towards social media.
- Use attractive text formatting for all three kinds of readers.
- Always put your readers first!
For about $100 you can go to the PRWeb Direct service and get your news story included in Google News, Yahoo News, MSN News, a page one link on the PRWeb home page, targeted pay per click ads, RSS distribution, and even have the journalists pick it up.
PR Web releases now come with enabled track backs, which can give your news story the possibility of going viral.
Yep, the greatest press releases are actually published as articles these days.
Using SEO Quake To Find Authority Backlinks
Monday, July 26, 2010
One of the best tools available to find authority backlinks to your website is the SEO Quake plug in for Firefox.
If you don’t use currently use Firefox as your primary browser, you’ll need to download it at the link below before you can use the SEO Quake tool:
After Firefox is installed, you can install the free SEO Quake plugin at:
The SEO Quake plugin is relatively simple install, but if you have any questions, the YouTube video below walks you through the process in great detail.
The goal is to find backlinks with a PR of 1 to 3 to funnel traffic to your website and increase your ranking with Google.
Because .edu and .gov sites already carry so much authority; Page Rank isn't as important with these type sites. However,the goal you're trying to achieve is to get quality PR1 backlinks.
A Google search picked up some authority codes you can use to search for quality backlinks, and since Wordpress is the most common blogging platform; the following codes are all that is necessary to generate at least 10 to 15 high quality backlinks. inurl:blog "post a comment" -"comments closed"-"you must be logged in" "ADD YOUR KEYWORD" inurl:blog "post a comment" -"comments closed" -"you must be logged in" "ADD YOUR KEYWORD" inurl:blog "post a comment" -"comments closed" -"you must be logged in" "ADD YOUR KEYWORD" inurl:blog "post a comment" -"comments closed" -"you must be logged in" "ADD YOUR KEYWORD"
These codes will allow you to find authority Wordpress blogs that allow commenting.
Enter the authority code into Google, along with your keyword, and sort your results based on page rank. This is where SEO Quake comes in. Click on the small down arrow that is next to the PR at the top of the sort column.
This should present you with Wordpress blogs related to your site that have a high PR. However, if you don’t find any relevant sites on page 1 of the search results, go to page 2 and page 3. If you get no search results, broaden your keyword search.
If you do a little searching, you should easily be able to locate some relevant sites that allow commenting and are worth your posting to. Usually only one or two links to .edu sites will give your site a substantial boost in the rankings.
If you notice, the only difference in each Authority Code search string, is in the beginning.
The first part of each string tells Google to look for either .com, .org, .edu or .gov sites.
For .com sites, look for news and information sites relating to your niche. Avoid overly commercialized web sites that aren't valued as highly by Google.
For .orgs sites, look for relevant association blogs.
For .gov and .edu sites; it's not really necessary to worry about the content. This is because not everyone can get a link with these sites. Google knows this and recognizes the domain name alone as an authority site regardless of content.
Now you need to place useful relevant comments on some of these sites, if they allow you to enter your URL into the comment section. If they do not allow commenting with your URL , keep searching for another site until you have placed several worthy comments on several blogs.
Blog commenting require some thought but it isn't overly difficult.
Here are some general rules that will help you write good blogging comments and make sure that none of your comments or links get trashed as comment spam.
In addition to to finding authority backlinks to your website, using SEO Quake helps web masters deal with search engine optimization and internet promotion of web sites on the fly.
Customize Google Adsense for Search To Your Site Background
Tuesday, July 20, 2010
You can easily implement AdSense for search on your blog or website, by first creating a page for your search results to be displayed and then following these steps:
- First log into your account at
- Go to the AdSense Setup tab.
- Choose AdSense for search as the product.
- During the first step of the guided setup, scroll down to the More options section and click the radio button marked Open results within my own site.
- Enter the URL of the page you created where you'd like search results to appear. You must create this page yourself; it will not be created or displayed automatically on the URL you enter. If you're familiar with relative URLs, you're welcome to enter one instead of the full URL.
- Choose any other options for your search box and results.
- Copy the code you generated in the Your search box code box, and paste it into the HTML source of the page where you'd like to display the search box.
- Then, copy the code generated in the box labeled Your search results code, and paste it into the HTML source of the page on which you'd like to display the search results.
- Save your web pages and your customized Google AdSense for search is ready for use.
Note: If you are using blogger, you will not be able to implement your search results within your page.
The problem with Google Adsense for Search is that they provide the code in only three colors. White, gray and black. This makes blending the search form in your blog somewhat difficult to impossible.
Some AdSense users tweaked the code to blend the colors with their sites however, this violated Google's terms of service.
Fortunately, things have changed and Google AdSense now offers a better coding option, where their Google logo is replaced by the search button changing to "Google Search".
Now you can use any color background you like, which allows users many additional options to customize Google Adsense for Search to your site background.
Learn more about using Google Search to increase your AdSense earnings here.
Search Engine Submissions That Get You Noticed!
Saturday, July 3, 2010
If you wait for the search engines to notice that you have added new content to your website or blog, it could take way too much time before the search engine spiders get around to crawling your page content.
Instead of waiting for things to happen; you can improve your search engine placement by submitting and listing your site yourself.
Here are some great places to list your web site URL to improve your web site marketing.
Google's add a URL link, is where you can go to add your new website to Google. They update new sites to their index each time their search engine spiders crawl the web. Google does not add all submitted URLs to their index, nor will they guarantee or predict when or if they will appear. For information purposes, you can add keywords and comments that describe the content of your web pages; but they have no effect on how Google indexes or uses them.
MSN Add a Page is where you can submit your website to Bing, MSN's new browser. The MSNBot follows links from your homepage to find other pages on your site when you submit your home page URL for indexing.
Open Directory Project is a web directory of Internet resources that function like a huge reference library. The Open Directory Project is NOT a search engine and is very selective about which websites they accept. Make sure you adhere to their guidlines and then follow the four steps to submit your URL.
Submit your site to Yahoo Search for free, by signing up with Yahoo! More than 99% of Yahoo is populated through the free crawl process. Yahoo offers several ways for content providers to submit their web pages and content directly to the Yahoo Search index and the Yahoo Directory.
There are other places where you can add your URL, other than the major search engines, that will take your web site marketing to the next level.
Here's a great list of directories and resources that you can use to increase traffic to your website.
• 01 Web Directory
• Accoona
• Americas Best
• Any Apex
• Azoos
• Best of The Web
• Big All
• CannyLink Guide
• Clush
• Dare Directory
• Dmoz
• Exact Seek
• Exalead
• Free Website Directory
• Illumirate
• Information Outpost
• Info Listings
• Info Tiger
• Jayde
• Link Centre
• Librarians’ Internet Index
• Pedsters Planet
• Qango
• Relmax Top
• Scrub the Web
• Spherecom
• Splat Search
• Sporge
• Starting Point
• Sun Steam
• This is Our Year
• Tower Search
• Web10
• Webbie World
• What U Seek
• World Site Index
• Yahoo Directory
• Yeandi
• Zeezo
Search engine submissions are important to a successful Internet marketing strategy and includes the submission of your site to all the top directories.
Don't lose valuable time and wait for the search engines to find you; start submitting your website URL to the lists given above today.