Sunday, December 5, 2010

Using social bookmarking sites to provide permanent one way links back to your website is one of the most economical strategic online profit strategies available to you.
Social bookmark sites are normally used to share bookmarks with your friends and for keeping an accessible history of websites that you enjoy browsing.

Most people save their favorite sites inside their Firefox, Internet Explorer, Chrome, or Bing browsers; but when you find yourself using another computer, you lose your browsing history.

Using Social Bookmarking Sites allows you to save your bookmarks online so you can view them later on any computer you happen to be using at the time.

Clever web developers have discovered ways to use other people's bookmarking data to find and compile the most popular websites on the Internet.

Although you might think that this has nothing to do with getting links for SEO rankings or using Social Bookmarking Sites to provide permanent one way links to your website or blog, you would be dead wrong.

Because most of the social bookmarking sites make their bookmarks available to the search engines; the search engines have been using these links as popularity indicators and as a determining factor as to which websites are considered "quality" sites.

This is why the search engines love indexing the links on social bookmarking sites. They correctly perceive them as good indicators of a "quality" website.

When the Social Bookmarking Sites really became popular; every bookmark link on websites like or, were counted as a vote.

And the more times your website is bookmarked on one of these Social Bookmarking Sites, the more votes it gets.

If your website gets enough votes, it can show up on the homepage of a social bookmarking site and get a huge amount of visitor traffic.

The best way you can provide permanent one way links to your website or blog is by getting your links placed on all of the best social bookmarking sites in such a way that the search engines will be sure to notice them.

Getting the search engines to notice your links can be done more easily if you do the following:
  • Look for and use only quality social bookmarking sites. There are tons of social bookmarking sites out there and not all of them will have the same weight with the search engines. Use SEO Quake to look for the best and most popular sites to get the best results.
  • Permanency is important. Links that are permanent and will help your site rank better for a longer period of time with the search engines.
  • Focus on getting only links that are on pages already indexed by the search engines.
  • Your "Do Follow" links placed on a quality social bookmark site will give the best results. When possible, it's better not to place links that have the "no follow" attribute on sites like Digg or
You primary goal should be to want your website links on as many quality Social Bookmarking Sites as possible if you want to provide permanent one way links to your website.

Learn more about getting social bookmarking traffic using private label rights here.


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