Article Marketing: Article Writing Basics You Need To Know

Monday, May 31, 2010

Of all the strategic online profit strategies, article marketing is probably the easiest to implement and the most cost effective.

However, there are some article writing basics you need to know about before you begin with your article marketing.

Writing articles for online distribution is important to your success online, but when you sit down to write and your mind suddenly goes blank; what do you do?

Back to basics.

Here are some article writing basics you need to know about when you go blank.

  • First find out what you want to write about. Go to your favorite article directory and search through the categories, and sub categories to get some ideas. When you select a topic, think about your title.

  • Give your article a simple catchy title. "How to .....", "What ......Means To ....", "The Easiest Way To ......", or "7 Steps To Financial......" are all simple catchy titles to think about using.

  • Think about how to structure your article using the fewest words possible. Create a blueprint or an outline in your mind and jot down some notes.

  • Next, start writing an introductory first paragraph about your topic.
  • Continue writing in steps or categories. Begin with the first thing you want to explain, then go to the second, then the third, and so on. Do it in an orderly manner.

  • Write short concise artiles. Remember that your readers normally don't have a long attention span. They don't expect to read a novel, so keep it brief.

  • Write as if you were talking to a friend or relative, and explaining or teaching them about your topic. Write casually, as if you are actually conversing with someone.

  • Make sure your article is useful and of value to your reader. Give them something they can immediately put to good use.

  • Make your bio compelling enough to get your readers to click through to your website and see what you are offering.

  • The MOST IMPORTANT article writing basic you need to know is to be prolific in your writing.

The more you write, the better the result and the more visitors you will funnel to your website.

If you can write at least 2 articles a day, or preferably 10 or more; you can expect to drive a ridiculous amount of targeted traffic to your website.

For More Article Writing Basics You Need To Know About, Click Here.

Unique Content - 4 Simple Tips To Guarantee Traffic

Sunday, May 23, 2010

Unique content is what changes a "humdrum" website that attracts little to no traffic, to an outstanding website.

Unique content keeps people on your website longer which in turn translates into more sales and increased profits.

Well composed unique content, should provide your visitors with everything they need, and keep them coming back to your website for more.

The Internet has provided us with the ability to access tons of information, but to guarantee traffic to your website, you need to provide unique content to what the people are searching for.

Web surfers are generally looking for one or more of three things online:
  • Amusement
  • Information
  • Relationships
If you can provide unique content that provides solutions to what web surfers are searching for; you will have a money making program on your hands.

There are numerous methods of creating unique content that will guarantee traffic to your website and increase your search engine ranking. But even the best unique content needs to be optimized for your visitors and the search engines.

The popularity of your site and the number of backlinks you receive are important in attracting high search engine rankings.

Because the search engines absorb unique content like a sponge; it's important to generate as much of it as possible, without any duplications.

Although there are many more, here are 4 simple tips to guarantee traffic when you provide unique content on your website.

  • Create a Blog for your website. The best way to combine quality and relevant information on your website is with a blog.

    Using unique content, update and "ping" your blog daily, to attract visitors and the search engine robots. This creates a "visitor magnet" that keeps people returning to find more solutions and answers to their questions.
  • Write daily unique content posts daily and create a place on your blog for tips, news, and any other type of solution for your visitors. If daily posts are not realistic, weekly updates are the minimum to guarantee traffic.
  • Many webmasters lack the creativity to provide unique content on as regular a basis as is needed to generate sufficient web traffic to their websites.

    If you are one of these people, try using unique content composing services to create high quality web pages for your websites, content, and articles.
  • Install news feeds or article feeds on your website. Feeds are one of the best tools you can use to help you with valuable new article topics for your site.
Using these 4 simple tips to guarantee traffic will also improve your bottom line when you provide unique content solutions to your visitors.

Article Marketing: Know What Makes Article Content Unique

Sunday, May 16, 2010

Knowing what makes article content unique is something that webmasters and newcomers to article marketing regularly ponder.

Webmasters generally say that content isn't king; but relative to web pages and search engine optimization, unique content certainly is!

Webmasters, article authors, and website owners all want as much traffic flowing to their sites as possible.

And, since the Internet is the most effective and easiest way to market your products; knowing what makes article content unique is important to effectively drive traffic to your site.

Website owners who want to promote their products online, can't just design websites on the fly without knowing how to drive traffic and use unique content to their advantage.

They must know what makes article content unique in order to have their sales increase, increase their site rankings, and to promote customer contacts.

Knowing what makes article content unique is essential, if your site is to appear in the top list of search engines such as Google, Yahoo,MSN, and AOL.

Create unique content and keeping your website well optimized for the search engines, is mandatory to stay on top of the list.

What makes article content unique is the way that it is written, not necessarily the content itself.

If you enjoy reading; you know that the plots in love stories, science fiction, romance novels, etc. are almost never unique anymore.

The history of the plot itself is seldom unique.

What makes the stories different, is the unique way that each individual author represents the story.

The characters and setting may be different, but when you really think about it in your subconscious, you will probably realize that you've heard it all before.

What makes each story unique is the way the events are told.

This principal also applies to publishing or writing articles on the Internet.

There is only one set of facts for each subject. The uniqueness appears in how the facts are presented.

This same principal applies to publishing and writing articles for your home based Internet business.

For any topic that you write about, you usually have only one source of information; it's all in the presentation that makes it unique.

Now you really know what makes article content unique.

Strategic Profit Strategies: 4 Powerful Marketing Strategies You Need To Know

Saturday, May 8, 2010

Here are 4 powerful marketing strategies you need to know about if you plan on being successful as an online marketer.

No one is saying that you must absolutely use these strategies to become a success; but you if you keep an open mind, and study each of these marketing strategies, you will discover how these strategic profit strategies can have a positive affect on your business and your bottom line.

  • The Offering Money Strategy
In this strategy, the marketer suggests that their product is so "hot" that a number of people have already offered them money to hold the product or spot open for them, before it is actually released for sale to the public.

Often the best marketers will also mention that, in order to be "fair" to everyone, they couldn't accept money to hold the spot open, and that buyers would have to be present to purchase the product when it goes live.

  • The I Can't Tell You Everything Right Now Strategy
Of the 4 powerful marketing strategies you need to know about, this one is probably one of the sneakiest. The marketer states that they can't reveal everything right now about their product, because their competition is watching; or something to that effect.

This strategy advises your prospects that you'll tell them more
about your new product when it's closer to being released, because you don't want your competitors copying the product or new service.

Good marketers will often provide other reasons such as; the possibility of being ripped off and their having profits stolen, the possibility of the competition creating an inferior less effective "knock off" product, or just demonstrating how "evil" your competition can be. The strategy is to instill in other people's minds, the idea that the competition is someone they shouldn't buy from.

  • The Privileged URL Strategy
This powerful marketing strategy tells your prospects "don't share this link with anybody....". It suggests to your prospects that they should feel "privileged" to be on your list, website, or net meeting and that only they should know about your "secret" URL.

You can further the secrecy aspect of the site and make it sound extra special by making them click on and agree to a nondisclosure contract before being admitted to the website.

Make sure that your "secret" website has some value to it. Offer your prospects a select free product specifically for them, a discount to a high priced product, a sign up form to your affiliate program, or a free whatever.

  • The Warning Strategy
This strategy advises prospects that they may not be able to face the future without reading your advertisement.

When you warn people about anything; it's probably going to be detrimental to them in some way; so they usually tend to stand up and take notice.

If you warn them about a competitor's product, or about an upcoming price increase on one of your products or services; people are more likely to take immediate action on your warning.

All of the 4 powerful marketing strategies you need to know about are time tested, and are proven strategic profit strategies that will increase your bottom line.
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