Article Marketing: Article Writing Basics You Need To Know

Monday, May 31, 2010

Of all the strategic online profit strategies, article marketing is probably the easiest to implement and the most cost effective.

However, there are some article writing basics you need to know about before you begin with your article marketing.

Writing articles for online distribution is important to your success online, but when you sit down to write and your mind suddenly goes blank; what do you do?

Back to basics.

Here are some article writing basics you need to know about when you go blank.

  • First find out what you want to write about. Go to your favorite article directory and search through the categories, and sub categories to get some ideas. When you select a topic, think about your title.

  • Give your article a simple catchy title. "How to .....", "What ......Means To ....", "The Easiest Way To ......", or "7 Steps To Financial......" are all simple catchy titles to think about using.

  • Think about how to structure your article using the fewest words possible. Create a blueprint or an outline in your mind and jot down some notes.

  • Next, start writing an introductory first paragraph about your topic.
  • Continue writing in steps or categories. Begin with the first thing you want to explain, then go to the second, then the third, and so on. Do it in an orderly manner.

  • Write short concise artiles. Remember that your readers normally don't have a long attention span. They don't expect to read a novel, so keep it brief.

  • Write as if you were talking to a friend or relative, and explaining or teaching them about your topic. Write casually, as if you are actually conversing with someone.

  • Make sure your article is useful and of value to your reader. Give them something they can immediately put to good use.

  • Make your bio compelling enough to get your readers to click through to your website and see what you are offering.

  • The MOST IMPORTANT article writing basic you need to know is to be prolific in your writing.

The more you write, the better the result and the more visitors you will funnel to your website.

If you can write at least 2 articles a day, or preferably 10 or more; you can expect to drive a ridiculous amount of targeted traffic to your website.

For More Article Writing Basics You Need To Know About, Click Here.


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