Why Not Use File Sharing In Your Viral Marketing?

Thursday, March 4, 2010

Why not consider using file sharing in your viral marketing efforts?

When you think about it, on any given day there are at least ten to twelve million people online, specifically looking for downloads of some type.

If you disregard those that are looking for porn or for free software, there are still at least a minimum of a million people a day you can target using file sharing in your viral marketing.

You must admit with that many people on any given day using file sharing, it does offer some rather intriguing viral marketing possibilities.

People specifically like to use file sharing services to download music. There are two simple reasons for this; there is an unbelievable selection to choose from, and it's free.

In the wake of Napster, a large number of other quasi legal services quickly emerged; and even if they get themselves closed down, you can bet others will quickly take their place.

File sharing online will never be stopped, even though the major record companies would like you to think so.

Almost everyone on the Internet uses file sharing to some degree. Even before the Internet came into vogue, people shared their cassette tapes and made copies of their favorite tunes for their friends. When the CD burners became affordable and commonplace, sharing media became even easier and faster.

Now, using the current technology, Internet users can download at blazing speeds.

So, why not use file sharing in your viral marketing campaigns?

Think about when someone downloads your MP3 files and they are listened to on someone else's computer hard drive. That's when the viral marketing actually begins.

After two or three users start sharing your files, and they all pass the file along to their friends, and it eventually becomes viral.

When Internet users search the web and find your music on many other different computers, they are more liable to download the files. Over a period of time, your files will start showing up in more and more locations.

Regardless of your product, there will be an audience for your file somewhere on the web.

Why not use file sharing in your viral marketing campaigns and use the offering of free music to directly connect you with your audience?

To Learn About Additional Viral Marketing Strategies, Visit Here.


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