Affiliate Marketing and E-Commerce

Wednesday, March 10, 2010

Everyone, regardless of their position in life, now has the potential to become their own boss and start their own affiliate marketing or E-commerce business online.

In the 1980s, the lives of everyone on the planet was changed forever with the mass production of compact desktop computers, and Al Gore's creation of the Internet.

An affiliate marketing and E-commerce business can be targeted to a potential worldwide market, and can be run directly from your home, while you continue to work at your current job.

All you have to do is perform a Google search for "business opportunities", and the results will show more opportunities than you could ever imagine.

Building an online affiliate marketing and E-commerce business, that can replace your current job and make you a decent living requires a firm business plan, a sincere desire to succeed, and a lot of hard work.

Don't be fooled into thinking that all you need to do is set up an E-commerce website, or an adsense blog and your life will be a bowl of cherries. It doesn't work that way. You need to treat your online business just like a "store front" business in order to succeed.

First you need to decide what type business is right for you.

Next, you need to research the market for the best business model to get into.

Some popular choices in order of their popularity are:

  • Affiliate Programs
  • Adsense Programs
  • Directly Selling Products

    Affiliate Programs
    The easiest business model to begin with, where you have no direct contact with the customer, and that can make you a ton of money, is affiliate programs.

    All you do is provide sales leads to the merchant and pick up your commission when the product or service is actually sold. You have no responsibilities to anyone after the sale is made. This business model is the most popular with newcomers.

    Adsense Programs
    The Adsense business model is where you use your own existing niche website to add contextual advertisements from Google's Adsense program.

    You earn money when a visitor to your website clicks on any of the Adsense ads. In order to earn a decent income using this business model, you need to create many keyword targeted, high traffic, niche websites. Adsense clicks can earn a few cents, to a few dollars, depending on the popularity of the targeted keyword.

    Directly Selling Products
    Directly selling products is the last business model found online. You build a website with your shopping cart, describe your product along with a photo, and earn money when customers purchase your product.

    The only difference between a "store front" business, is that your product has the potential of being sold world wide, and the "rent" is minimal. Your target market can be as large or small as you care to make it.
To get the most from affiliate marketing or E-commerce, all you need is to set up your business and create your website.


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