Creating Search Engine Friendly Web Pages

Tuesday, March 23, 2010

Creating search engine friendly web pages should be your main goal when creating your website.

There is no point in building a website without having any visitors coming in to see what you have to offer.

Search engines like Google, Yahoo, and MSN are a major traffic source for most websites on the Internet.

Creating search engine friendly web pages, will enable your website to rank high in the search engine results. By designing a search engine friendly website, you will obviously be able to attract more visitors.

All of the major search engines use crawlers or robots to index websites, and list them in their search results.

The robots will follow links to a web page, read the page content, and then record it in their databases. As people search for specific keywords, the search engines recall the website listing and display it somewhere in the search results page.
  • When creating search engine friendly web pages, avoid using frames on your website.
Frames confuse the search engine robots to the point that they may leave your site without properly indexing it.

They also make it difficult for users to bookmark specific pages on your website, without the use of complicated scripts.
  • When creating search engine friendly web pages, don't put important information in Flash movies or in images placed on your pages.
The search engine robots can only read plain text on your source code. If you insert important information in Flash movies, or in images instead of in plain text; the search engine robots will not index the information and your rankings can be adversely affected.
  • Creating search engine friendly web pages can be aided by using meta tags on every page of your website.
This way the search engine robots can easily identify what each particular page is about, and whether or not it should be indexed.

You make the search engine robot's job much easier, by using meta tags on each web page.
  • Use Cascading Style Sheets to style your web pages.
CSS are much more effective and efficient for styling your pages, than using redundant HTML tags.

Creating search engine friendly web pages that are lighter and load faster, is more easily accomplished using Cascading Style Sheets (CSS).

Credibility - Good Old Fashioned Credibility Is The Secret To Success

Sunday, March 14, 2010

Having good old fashioned credibility is the secret to success for both storefront and your home based internet businesses.

Credibility is a critical factor for anyone who purchases anything online.

A buyer must be confident that he is being offered something that is really legitimate, regardless of the product or service.

The techniques for building credibility will work in a niche business, including any business where persuading potential customers that you are honest and trustworthy is critical.

  • Credibility requires that you demonstrate to your potential customers a reassuring presence.
    Anything that demonstrates to the customer, that a real person is actually conducting business with them, will give them some assurance and increase your credibility.
    Something as minimal as a personal photograph, a direct email response, a phone call, or satisfied customer responses goes a long way to cement your business credibility.
  • Posting pictures of the merchandise you are selling, or of completed services you have furnished, such as finished landscaping or paint jobs, will also give credibility to your business.
  • Providing or giving away free, useful information also promotes credibility with potential customers.
    To get something of value, you don't always have to purchase it. Online giveaways are a great testimony to this adage.
  • Professional organizations that you are a member of, show your expertise and demonstrate your credibility to dubious online buyers.
    Being a member of your local Chamber of Commerce, ASTM, or some other society specific to your market niche will give your credibility and sales a boost.
    Listing the organization's web site on your website, also reduces any concerns buyers may have about your business.
  • Include testimonials of satisfied customers on your website, along with the email addresses of happy customers so ansy, potential customers can check out your reputation first hand.
    Nothing increases credibility like a satisfied customer that you can actually contact to verify their statements.
  • Another way to cement your credibility and prove you are a legitimate member of the community is to prominently publish your physical address and phone number on your business website.
    Customers are often "gun shy" about purchasing anything from businesses that they can't contact directly by a good old fashioned telephone call.
Although the calls may sometimes come in at inappropriate times; a second business only line is well worth the added expense.

Good old fashioned credibility is the key to success, so keep building it to avoid anyone from ever labeling your business as an online scam.

Affiliate Marketing and E-Commerce

Wednesday, March 10, 2010

Everyone, regardless of their position in life, now has the potential to become their own boss and start their own affiliate marketing or E-commerce business online.

In the 1980s, the lives of everyone on the planet was changed forever with the mass production of compact desktop computers, and Al Gore's creation of the Internet.

An affiliate marketing and E-commerce business can be targeted to a potential worldwide market, and can be run directly from your home, while you continue to work at your current job.

All you have to do is perform a Google search for "business opportunities", and the results will show more opportunities than you could ever imagine.

Building an online affiliate marketing and E-commerce business, that can replace your current job and make you a decent living requires a firm business plan, a sincere desire to succeed, and a lot of hard work.

Don't be fooled into thinking that all you need to do is set up an E-commerce website, or an adsense blog and your life will be a bowl of cherries. It doesn't work that way. You need to treat your online business just like a "store front" business in order to succeed.

First you need to decide what type business is right for you.

Next, you need to research the market for the best business model to get into.

Some popular choices in order of their popularity are:

  • Affiliate Programs
  • Adsense Programs
  • Directly Selling Products

    Affiliate Programs
    The easiest business model to begin with, where you have no direct contact with the customer, and that can make you a ton of money, is affiliate programs.

    All you do is provide sales leads to the merchant and pick up your commission when the product or service is actually sold. You have no responsibilities to anyone after the sale is made. This business model is the most popular with newcomers.

    Adsense Programs
    The Adsense business model is where you use your own existing niche website to add contextual advertisements from Google's Adsense program.

    You earn money when a visitor to your website clicks on any of the Adsense ads. In order to earn a decent income using this business model, you need to create many keyword targeted, high traffic, niche websites. Adsense clicks can earn a few cents, to a few dollars, depending on the popularity of the targeted keyword.

    Directly Selling Products
    Directly selling products is the last business model found online. You build a website with your shopping cart, describe your product along with a photo, and earn money when customers purchase your product.

    The only difference between a "store front" business, is that your product has the potential of being sold world wide, and the "rent" is minimal. Your target market can be as large or small as you care to make it.
To get the most from affiliate marketing or E-commerce, all you need is to set up your business and create your website.

Why Not Use File Sharing In Your Viral Marketing?

Thursday, March 4, 2010

Why not consider using file sharing in your viral marketing efforts?

When you think about it, on any given day there are at least ten to twelve million people online, specifically looking for downloads of some type.

If you disregard those that are looking for porn or for free software, there are still at least a minimum of a million people a day you can target using file sharing in your viral marketing.

You must admit with that many people on any given day using file sharing, it does offer some rather intriguing viral marketing possibilities.

People specifically like to use file sharing services to download music. There are two simple reasons for this; there is an unbelievable selection to choose from, and it's free.

In the wake of Napster, a large number of other quasi legal services quickly emerged; and even if they get themselves closed down, you can bet others will quickly take their place.

File sharing online will never be stopped, even though the major record companies would like you to think so.

Almost everyone on the Internet uses file sharing to some degree. Even before the Internet came into vogue, people shared their cassette tapes and made copies of their favorite tunes for their friends. When the CD burners became affordable and commonplace, sharing media became even easier and faster.

Now, using the current technology, Internet users can download at blazing speeds.

So, why not use file sharing in your viral marketing campaigns?

Think about when someone downloads your MP3 files and they are listened to on someone else's computer hard drive. That's when the viral marketing actually begins.

After two or three users start sharing your files, and they all pass the file along to their friends, and it eventually becomes viral.

When Internet users search the web and find your music on many other different computers, they are more liable to download the files. Over a period of time, your files will start showing up in more and more locations.

Regardless of your product, there will be an audience for your file somewhere on the web.

Why not use file sharing in your viral marketing campaigns and use the offering of free music to directly connect you with your audience?

To Learn About Additional Viral Marketing Strategies, Visit Here.
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