Strategic Online Profit Strategies: Fastest Way To Get Google To Index Your Website

Sunday, August 28, 2011

Although there are many strategic online profit strategies for getting a new site indexed by the search engines, the fastest way to get Google to index your website or blog is to follow these simple steps.

Normally Google can take up to four weeks to index a website or blog.  And even after the site is indexed, additional updates to these sites can take up to a work week before before Google re-indexes the site.

Using proper Search Engine Optimization techniques, it only takes about 3 or 4 days for Google to index new sites.  Once a site is indexed with these optimization techniques in place, additional updates can be indexed in just minutes.

Search Engine Optimization is something that new site owners usually know very little about.  In fact many Online businesses cater to the so called "art" of SEO.

Although Search Engine Optimization does take a relatively long time to master, has a relatively intense learning curve, and requires some time to implement, it's benefits far outweigh the negatives.

However, if you want to get traffic to your website or blog quickly, the fastest way to get Google to index your website is to follow the simple steps listed below.

  • Use Meta Tags On Your Site
Meta Tags serve the same purpose as "dog tags" do in the military.  They identify your website and dramatically reduce the indexing process. 

Place your Meta Tags in the section of your website or blog template.  Don't put them in the section.
  • Submit Your URL To The Search Engines
It is important that you submit your website URL to all the major search engines.  The top ten are below in no particular order.


Once your URL is submitted, the search engines will include your URL in a list for their "bots" to crawl.  The robots or spiders will then "crawl" your website and collect information which will tell web surfers using the search engine what your site is all about.

The Meta Tags you placed in your website or blog in the above step, will expedite the information collection process.  Each search engine has a page where you can submit your URL.  Google's is here.
  • Finally, Submit A "Sitemap" To The Search Engines
Sitemaps are important for the search engines to index any updates to your website once your site is included in their index.  Once your sitemap is submitted to a search engine, the sitemap is used to monitor and identify any changes made to the site.

When it finds a change, the search engine robots collect the new information and add it to the existing index.

To submit your sitemap to Google, you first need to access Google's Webmaster Tools, add your website and verify it as soon as possible.  Then from Google's dashboard, click the "Sitemaps" menu and submit your sitemap using the address box.

Of all the strategic online profit strategies, this one is the fastest way to get Google to index your website or blog.

This Super SEO Guidebook will show you how to optimize your website to get maximum visibility from the search engine spiders.

Savvy Internet Marketers Are Using YouTube Annotations To Drive Traffic

Most savvy Internet marketers are using YouTube annotations to drive traffic to their landing pages, affiliates, websites or blogs.

Annotations are informational, interactive, narrative notes that can be displayed in your video as it is being played by viewers.  They can also be used to link to other videos and YouTube URLs.

Marketers use YouTube Annotations for a variety of reasons.

For instance, if you create several training videos that are in a series; they can be linked together using YouTube annotations right inside each video.

Using YouTube Annotations to network your videos instead of the video organizer and YouTube Channel, makes for a neater presentation and gives greater assurance that the user will actually view the next video in the series.

The following video describes how to use YouTube annotations and how to link to other videos in a series.

You could also be using YouTube annotations to highlight specific parts of your videos.

Let's say that you are an ancient coin collector and you have some recent finds you want to visually display to other collectors.

You could provide them with a virtual gallery that describes the coins, where they were found, where they are from, the approximate dates, mint marks, what they were used for and other pertinent information.

You could also be using YouTube Annotations to link to other videos of coins in other collections to better describe each coin or series of coins.

By using YouTube annotations, you can provide step by step instructions on how to clean ancient uncleaned coins, without the necessity of using cue cards or worrying about unnecessary dialog.

Annotations can also be coupled with subtitles to complement them and to add additional information.

By using both annotations and subtitles, you can forget about using sound or dialog in your videos if you feel like it and because YouTube translates subtitles into multiple languages, you can market internationally.

By using YouTube annotations along with subtitles in your videos, your viewers have more time to digest the information that you are providing them.

Viewers can pause the video at any time or run the video back to catch information they missed on the first go around.

Annotations are a way to offer far more information to your viewers and still present it in a video format.

When using YouTube annotations, don't overwhelm the video content.

Balancing the correct use of annotations in your videos is considered by many to be almost an art form. Use them judiciously.

When using YouTube annotations, a good rule of thumb is to try not to use more than three lines of text per scene.

Other than the fact that you cannot presently link to a URL that is outside of YouTube without becoming an AdWords advertiser; using YouTube annotations is a great marketing tool and an excellent way to direct traffic.

Twitter Conversation Marketing: How Twitter Conversation Marketing Helps Your Public Relations

Saturday, August 20, 2011

Twitter conversation marketing isn't necessarily just marketing your company's product or service on Twitter's website.  It's more like under-marketing.

Twitter conversation marketing uses subtle engagement and conversation to communicate directly with the Twitter community to paint a more compassionate, softer face on the business community.

It consists of sharing your company's culture and values with people who are already active on the Social Web.  It also improves on your company products, handling processes, and customer service.

Proactively sharing your company's culture and values on Twitter creates a humanizing effect for your business that can attract more users to become part of your community. 

Twitter conversation marketing
also effectively increases sales.

Many larger companies are already successfully using some form or Twitter conversation marketing in their advertising campaigns.

Zappos, at @zappos, has over 435 employees using Twitter, including their CEO, Tony Hsieh. 

Tony Hsieh at last count, has over a million followers, which should tell you something about the effectiveness of Twitter conversation marketing.

Many other large businesses also acknowledge that proactively sharing information about their company's culture and values, humanizes their businesses and increases their gross sales.

Frankly it's much easier for most consumers to embrace the openness of businesses, especially with the larger corporations, when their members are seen communicating on Twitter.

Twitter conversation marketing definitely achieves this.

Strategic Online Profit Strategies For Simplifying Web Traffic Generation

Saturday, August 13, 2011

There are some basic strategic online profit strategies for simplifying web traffic generation that all Internet marketers need to know.

Funneling web traffic to your website is the lifeblood of all online businesses.

Regardless of how good your content or free offer may be, without web traffic it is impossible to make money.  

There are basically two categories of Web traffic generation:

Purchased Web traffic
Free Web traffic

Purchased Web Traffic

The main advantage for purchasing web traffic is speed.  Purchased web traffic can very quickly generate tons of targeted traffic to your website.

The main disadvantage of using purchased web traffic is that it costs money to implement.  Here are a few examples of purchased web traffic commonly used by Internet marketers.
  • Google AdWords and other PPC sites
  • Ezine Advertising
  • Banner Advertising
Free Web Traffic

Free web traffic generation requires much more time and effort to implement effectively however, the end result is the cost benefit.

Here are a few examples of how to get free web traffic to your website.

  • Organic Search Engine Ranking
High organic ranking in the major search engines like Google, Yahoo, Bing, etc. can bring in an enormous amount of web traffic.
  • Article marketing
Writing a series of targeted articles with links pointing back to your website or blog and submitting them to numerous article directories will also generate tons of web traffic.
  • Blogging
Targeted blogging with links directed to your business website is one of the better  strategic online profit strategies for simplifying web traffic generation.
  • Traffic Exchanges
Traffic exchanges have their pros and cons but when used properly, they can also simplify web traffic generation.
  • Email signatures
Sometimes something as simple as adding a link to your website at the end of the emails you send can generate a ton of traffic.
Like email signatures, adding links to your website will increase web traffic.  Just remember not to abuse the strategy or you may find yourself ejected form the forum.

Ad Swaps

Ad swaps have their place and can generate web traffic but care should be made to only swap with sites that have relevant site content.
  • Press Releases
Press Releases work and are one of the strategic online profit strategies for simplifying web traffic generation that is favored by most Internet marketers.
  • Social Bookmarking Sites
Social bookmarking sites like Digg, Delicious, etc. are easy to implement and generate
a great deal of traffic.

Social networking sites like Facebook, StumbleUpon, Twitter, etc. are even more effective when used properly.
  • Free product giveaways
Free PLR product giveaways used during the holiday seasons are particularly effective for list building and generating spikes in web traffic.  The web is flooded with information on how to effectively use PLR articles for this strategy that you should learn about before implementing it.
  • YouTube Video Traffic
YouTube videos can be the most effective of all the strategic online profit strategies for simplifying web traffic generation.  If you can produce a video that goes "viral", the jump in your web traffic will be phenomenal.

Whichever web traffic generation strategy you decide to implement is entirely up to you.  Each strategy works well,  however it's a good idea to try all of them to see which gives you the best bang for the buck. 

Savvy Internet marketers use many or all of these free traffic generation strategies in concert with each other to get the best result.

Of all the basic strategic online profit strategies for simplifying web traffic generation that are available, our preference hands down would be for producing a YouTube video that goes viral on the Internet.

Strategic Online Profit Strategies For Mobile Marketing

Thursday, August 11, 2011

The strategic online profit strategies for mobile marketing require some additional advanced planning in order to remain legitimate and stay effective.

The most important part of this planning is to ensure that your mobile marketing efforts are not identified as spam.

Because mobile devices are recipients of email, any content received by these mobile devices need to be solicited. 

The rules and regulations between service providers and different countries vary substantially, so it's important that you familiarize yourself with these rules before undertaking a mobile marketing campaign so you can remain in compliance.

Being labeled a spammer is the kiss of death to any marketer, so use Permission Based Marketing to make sure your content and marketing campaigns are all above board. 

There are a number of things you need to plan in advance and take into account when planning your strategic online profit strategies for mobile marketing.  
  • Research your market niche.  Develop as much information about your target market as possible to ensure that your marketing approach is correct.
  • Set up clear goals.  Define what you would like to achieve. Are you trying to collect sales leads? Are you looking to build your list? Are you looking for signups to your newsletter? 
  • Think intelligently about how you plan on achieving realistic goals within a  set timetable for completion.
  • Plan your mobile presence.  Will you be setting up a mobile website for your marketing? Are you going to be using social media? 
  • Clarify your mobile message.  What pitch or "hook" will you use to inspire your target niche market audience to get involved with your business?  How will you approach your audience?
  • Invite users to share your content. Create opportunities for your potential customers to share information easily between different platforms.
  • Promote your mobile marketing campaigns.  Gin up interest in your campaign by any means necessary.  How do you plan on creating a buzz and renewing interest in your campaign?
  • Optimize your mobile marketing site.  Add Google analytic for mobile websites for tracking and critical analysis of your marketing campaigns and make optimization a continuous process.
  • Plan a permission based marketing strategy.  This involves building up a database of potential customers who agree to be on your contact list so they can later receive uninterrupted advertising and marketing information from you. 
    Voluntary signups using permission based marketing strategies virtually eliminate spam.
Strategic online profit strategies for mobile marketing is extremely effective when advanced planning is done to ensure your efforts stay beyond reproach.

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