How To Find Laser Targeted Keywords By Local Area Visitors
Saturday, October 30, 2010
Although you can obtain usable results from the Google search engines using your keyword and this query:
"keyword" + "local area" the results are often lacking in specifics.
When you need locally targeted keywords for your campaign, you can go to Google AdWords but you still will not get the best results possible.
Another lesser known solution is the Local PPC AdWords Keyword Tool, which you can get at a neat little site called
Among other things, the site also allows you to create a free optimized website for your small business.
The video below does a great job of explaining exactly how the PPC AdWords Keyword Tool can find laser targeted key words by local area visitors.
Give it a try for yourself and while you're at it, get yourself a business website for free.
Directory Submissions Can Get You Tons Of High Quality One Way Links
Saturday, October 23, 2010

We all know that as the search engines continue to evolve, it's getting more and more difficult to get top search engine rankings.
The major search engines now, highly favor, websites that have a large number of high quality one way links pointing to them.
Because of this, it is now absolutely critical that we consistently get other websites to link to us, WITHOUT us linking back to them.
Yes, reciprocal linking has become less and less valuable to the search engines compared to high quality one way links.
An excellent way to get high quality one way links pointing back to your website, is to submit your website to website directories.
Many of the website directories online have a high amount of page rank and have been online for several years.
The are two extremely important criteria for determining what a good link is, vs what a bad link is. These two criteria are:
- The Page Rank of the website that is linking to you.
- The age of the website that is linking to you
Many of these directories have both a high Page Rank AND are
old websites, thereby giving them more authority and power in the search engines.
The good news is that there are literally thousands of website directories on the internet that are absolutely free for you to submit your website to, so you can achieve high quality one way links!
Although they are an excellent way to help increase your search engine rankings, the problem is that it takes a great deal of time to find these directories and then manually fill out all of the required criteria to submit your website.
There are however some very good website directory submission software products on the market; the best of which is a product called Directory Submitter which was created by Brad Callen.
This particular directory submitter is a real time saver.
Essentially, you simply enter all of your website details into the software program one time and then click on any of the 1600+ website directories in the software program.
The directory submission software then automatically fills in all of the submission criteria for you and when you Click the submit button, instantly adds your site to the website directory.
So, not only does it save you time in finding all of these directories, BUT it saves you an incredible amount of time filling out each and every website's submission criteria.
I definitely consider it my secret weapon.
Turnkey Websites: Why You Should Bother With Turnkey Websites
Friday, October 15, 2010

Of all the different types of websites that are available on the Internet, turnkey websites are the most suited for newcomers to Internet marketing.
Turnkey websites seem to be the perfect business model for people interested in quickly making money, without spending any.
Turnkey websites are relatively easy to set up and administer. This makes them particularly appealing to newcomers interested in starting a home based business as quickly as possible.
Turnkey websites make it easier to get into business without a major life change. Because they basically run on their own when properly set up, it's not necessary to drastically change your lifestyle and spend an inordinate amount of time watching over them to make money.
Unlike conventional websites; turnkey websites require no HTML or technical knowledge to create. When you purchase them or occasionally acquire them for free during giveaways; everything on the website is already created for you by professionals.
Turnkey websites are preloaded with professionally written content specific to their niche topics. You can also add your own content or edit the written content that is provided in order to create a more unique site if you so desire.
Turnkey websites are usually provided with a variety of money making affiliate programs such as AdSense, Clickbank, Amazon or other affiliate products already loaded on the site. The only thing the user is required to do is edit their AdSense, Clickbank, or Amazon affiliate links to start earning money.
Turnkey Websites are easy to set up and administer. Once they are uploaded to your server, changes or additions to the site can easily be made through the admin panel.
Although most turnkey websites are already optimized for the search engines and can be easily tweaked to improve the search engine rankings; the more web traffic you funnel to them, the more money you will earn.
Finally, the main reason why you should bother with turnkey websites is that most are extremely inexpensive to purchase and occasionally even free for the asking, when offered as giveaways.
Here are a few examples of different types of turnkey websites that can provide you with a steady income stream when you set up enough of them.
Independently, each site may only provide a few dollars per day, but when you amass a network of 40 or 50 turnkey websites; you're looking at some substantial earnings over a given period of time.
Strategic Online Profit Strategies For E-mail Marketing
Sunday, October 10, 2010

One of the most cost effective strategic online profit strategies in use today is email marketing.
Whether you're raising money for a non-profit, marketing your product or service, promoting an affiliate product, or just keeping your audience engaged; email marketing is probably the cheapest way to reach and keep in contact with your constituents.
Of all the strategic online profit strategies we use, email marketing must be done in an extremely cautious manner or instead of increasing your marketing audience, it can actually turn away your potential clients.
What keeps consumers reading your emails?
What makes your customers unsubscribe from your email list?
Studies show that more than half of consumers report occasionally unsubscribing from their email lists for one reason or another and another 15% report that they frequently unsubscribe from email lists.
There are three reasons most often cited for unsubscribing:
- The unusually high frequency of email messages.
- Receiving content that is perceived as being irrelevant.
- Believing that email addresses are being sold or disseminated to others.
To to this and become successful, you need to do some research.
- If you're not already tracking your viewers response to your emails, start doing so immediately.
By tracking your communications, you can determine over time which topics are most interesting to your potential clients and put more focus on those topics.
Over time you will begin to see trends develop with the type of articles that most interest your clients, the tone of those articles and what issues dominate your niche market.
A good strategic online profit strategy would be to then package your information to make it more palatable to your readers.
Packaging information to your readers in a more digestible form will often increase your click through rate and reduce the number of unsubscribers.
- Try conducting surveys with your list to see exactly what they want.
When the results come in, look at ways you can segregate your email lists to better target your messages. If there are obvious problems with your content, this is the best way to get a handle on it and remedy the situation.
These strategic online profit strategies will allow you to better know your readers needs and significantly decrease the number of unsubscribers from your list.
It's a fact the the majority of consumers use email as their primary online method of communication and although social networks and instant messaging is being used more frequently; email marketing will be here to stay for years to come.
Never underestimate strategic online profit strategies for email marketing.
The Golden Rules of Niche Mining
Sunday, October 3, 2010

Before you dive into any niche, you need to be 99% certain that it’s going to be profitable.
How can you be so sure? Well, the truth is that no one can be absolutely sure 100% of the time, but by adhering to the golden rules of niche mining, you can substantially narrow the odds of picking a non money making niche.
Here are the three Golden Rules of Niche Mining you need to know before you even think of setting up a website.
- Good Niche Markets Should Never Be Too Small
Regardless of how you choose to promote your product or service in a small market, you will find that there is usually not enough interest there to earn any substantial profits.
Although there are some high ticket items you can promote in small niche markets; people normally don't earn enough from them to make it worth the time and effort that is expended.
One typical example is zither music.
A Google search turns up only 41,100 search results for this query. Although for a high ticket item this would be a potentially good niche market; the cost of zither music makes it's pretty much a non-starter.
If you don't have enough people in the niche market of your choosing, there will be little to no profits for you to enjoy.
- Good Niche Markets Should Never Be Too Big
The flip side of picking a market with little to no interest, is picking a market that is so overly crowded that you can't compete. If you can't carve out a nice piece of the pie, all you will get are the crumbs.
A typical example is the Internet marketing training niche.
A Google search turns up over 50,400,000 results for "Internet marketing training". You don't have to be a rocket scientist to realize that this niche market is not for the faint of heart.
It is already maxed out with professional Internet marketers that are dominating the search engines and the market as a whole.
To make any money at all in this market, you would have to spend tons of money in order to create a suitable product for consumption and get your website ranked high in the search engines.
Even if you could eventually break into this market niche, the odds are you wouldn't make a dime. This market niche should definitely be left to the professionals who dominate that market.
Super saturated niche markets with hundreds of thousands of competitors should be avoided like the plague.
- Good Niche Markets Should Be A Balance Between The Two
Your niche should be large enough to be profitable, yet small enough for you to be competitive. You don't ever want to enter a niche market where you can be shut out of the competition.
The golden rules of niche mining sound easy enough to incorporate, but finding elusive niche markets is not an easy task.
Most people can’t even tell you how they managed to find their good market niches.
While many stumble upon them by accident and couldn't repeat their success if their life depended on it; others methodically devote a lot of their time and effort to researching and niche mining.
Learn How To Research And Target Keywords Using Free Tools, Here.