Public Relations - Using Public Relations For Free Advertising

Saturday, April 10, 2010

Since the first business began, business owners have been using public relations for free business advertising.

It's important to understand that all newspapers need press releases to fill their pages.

Local newspapers have to pay more for journalists to actually go out and get the news, so they in particular need news submitted by the local community.

To give you with an idea as to how much "news" is provided by commercial organizations, just look through your local newspaper or magazine at the PR material you will find there.

This should give you enough encouragement to provide "news" stories, in the form of press releases to the press.

Although radio and television is more amenable to PR, they are also more choosy about their content. However, if you can provide a novelty approach to your PR, your press release may be accepted.

Public relations news must be submitted to the editorial or news departments for acceptance. They prefer receiving faxes to other forms of posted material, and will alter your copy to some extent. So, when you submit your PR press release, don't go nuts trying to be perfect, just make it newsworthy and interesting.

Journalists generally prefer dealing directly with organizations instead of PR agencies, but don't let that deter you. Public relations press release publicity is free, so take advantage of it.

With a little bit of thought, you can get the equivalent of thousands of dollars worth of direct advertising annually at no cost to your business.

Press releases carry more credibility with the public, than paid for advertising. It's amazing how many people are unaware that most of what they read in the newspapers is nothing more than carefully planned public relations. That is why the older generation in particular is more susceptible to it and believe it to be gospel.

A supporting photograph submitted with your press release can improve your chances of getting published. You can either provide your own or have the press send a photographer if there is an actual event to present to the public.

Timing is everything in using public relations for free advertising, so if something newsworthy occurs with your business; like promotions, new management changes, some achievement, babies born, or something unusual that the public might appreciate reading about; create a press release and submit it.


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