Why Do I Need To Write A Press Release ?

Wednesday, July 1, 2009

Occasionally I hear the question; why do I need to write a press release?

There are many correct answers, but increasing your business publicity, and credibility, are on the top of the list.

The only part of a marketing strategy that truly builds credibility, is publicity.

Publicity can be had for free, and in most instances, all that is required is time and effort. So why write a press release? Because of it's effectiveness in building credibility.

For new start up businesses, building credibility through publicity and advertising, is critical to success.

Both advertising and press releases are effective, however, when it comes to building credibility, press releases definitely beat out the competition.

You can control your message with advertising; you cannot control your message as effectively with press releases.

Because of this fact, press releases have more credibility with the public.

When readers view an advertisement, they instinctively know that there is a good bit of bull included.

When they read a press release by a reviewer, reporter, broadcaster or an "independent" authority; they are more inclined to believe what is being written in the press release than in an advertisement.

A well written press release can directly influence reviewers, reporters, and the like.

The bottom line is that nothing can win credibility with a customer, give your business the much needed exposure it needs, or dramatically increase your sales, as a well written press release that is published by the media.

That is why your should write a press release!

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