Search Engine Optimization Mistakes You Need To Avoid

Tuesday, December 27, 2011

Search Engine Optimization mistakes can get your website banned,  instead of getting it listed at the top of the search engine results page.

Regardless of whether you are seasoned in SEO or just learning the ropes, everyone makes mistakes.

The good news is that when you make a SEO mistake and it effects your page ranking, it is reversible.

These Search Engine Optimization mistakes can severely affect your page ranking and should be avoided.
  • Using Keywords Incorrectly
This one is a biggie!  Many webmasters are so concerned about being banned from the search engines that they don't use enough keywords on their web pages. 

Granted, keyword stuffing or spamming will get your site banned, but limiting the use of keywords on your web pages swings the pendulum too far in the other direction.

As long as your content reads easily and sounds natural, you probably haven't over used your keywords.

Your keywords should always be included in your heading, in your title, in your meta tags and in at least the first and last paragraphs of your content.
  • Using Flash On Your Website
If you have a media website, using Flash is entirely appropriate. 

But for most people, using Flash can have a negative effect on your page ranking. 

The search engine spiders can't read content that is embedded in Flash files.  This means that they are unable to recognize the file and will not index it.

If you want to use Flash, use it sparingly on your web pages, otherwise use it strictly as a presentation tool. 
  • Don't Try To Fool The Search Engines
Google's search engines spiders are much more sophisticated than most of us realize.

Trying to fool the search engine spiders by using hidden text, keyword spamming, blending, cloaking, etc. will only get you in trouble.

The search engines recognize these practices and will penalize you for using them.

At the least, your page ranking will be affected and at worst, your site could be banned.
If this occurs, none of the search engines will pick up your URL and no one will be able to find your site.  This is a disaster for any business website.
  • Do Not Use Your Company Name As The Only Title Tag
Some businesses use the Title Tag strictly for their company name. Unless you are on a branding campaign, this is a bad practice.

The Title Tag is intended to be used for the primary keyword of each web page.  You can use your company name in the Title Tag but use it judiciously.

Using the Title Tag to describe each page is more useful to your customers and helps the search engine spiders correctly identify each page of your website.

  • Don't Use Splash Pages
Splash pages are web pages with large graphics or a company's logo that links to the website.

Splash pages are inneffective for a variety of reasons.
  • There is no keyword rich text on the page.  This means there is nothing for the search engine spiders to index.
  • There can be only one internal link on the page
  • Splash pages usually redirect to another URL, which causes the search engine spiders to ignore them. 
Search engine optimization is important to every business so don't waste your time with splash pages.

As long as you provide an easy to navigate content rich home page on your site, link visitors and the search engine spiders to your other main web pages, you should have no SEO problems.

If you have already tried to outsmart the search engines by using any of these Search Engine Optimization mistakes and have found your ranking in the toilet, most of them are reversible.

Usually if you just correct the mistake, you can increase your page ranking almost overnight.

All these Search Engine Optimization mistakes are easily avoidable, so take a minute to evaluate your SEO strategy and perk up your site ranking.

Strategic Online Profit Streategies: Strategic Video Marketing Strategies

Sunday, December 18, 2011

Here is a simple 4-step strategic video marketing strategy that will generate tremendous amounts of web traffic to your website or blog.
Once you download and familiarize yourself with CamStudio, create a "teaser" video presentation on the niche topic of your choice using Powerpoint and CamStudio.

Remember to include your website address at the beginning and at the end of your video.
  • Optimize your video by using relevant long tail keywords in the Title of your video.

In order to get the greatest amount of traffic possible, do some basic keyword research using free tools such as Wordtracker (take advantage of their free trial) or Google's keyword tool.

Your keyword research should be centered around finding popular long-tail keywords that will attract traffic and can be easily used in your Video Title.

Once you have optimized and are satisfied with your video, your next step is to sign up for a free account on TubeMogul.

Pay particular attention to their "Terms of Service" on the sign up page. It states that "you will not upload any multi-level marketing, affiliate marketing, network marketing, home-based business,cash gifting, phishing, pornographic or copyrighted third-party content."

Any users uploading videos that a reasonable person would consider to be a scam will be banned.

TubeMogul's PlayTime video advertising platform was built for branding, particularly for video marketers.

Once you sign up for your free account on TubeMogul, your video will be distributed all over the web with a "live" link to your web page in the description.

It takes some time, creativity and effort but if you do this daily for a month, you’ll generate tons of traffic to your website.

Of all the strategic online profit strategies for video marketing we've come across, this one takes the prize.

Strategic Online Profit Strategies For High Conversion Squeeze Pages

Friday, December 9, 2011

Usually the most effective strategic online profit strategies for high conversion squeeze pages can only be obtained from reports in a squeeze page, from membership sites or from ebooks.

Although squeeze pages are designed to attract, convert and get visitors to subscribe to an email list; high conversion squeeze pages are designed to function as qualified lead "magnets". 

They are NOT intended to act as a "magnet" for freebie seekers or for people who have little interest in what you are marketing.

There are several steps used to create high conversion squeeze pages which I will briefly outline below however, before we start, it's important that you understand exactly what the intent of a squeeze page really is.

The only reason for placing a squeeze page on your web site is to extract contact information from your visitors.

That's it. Nothing more.

High conversion squeeze pages are NOT for marketing, linking to other web pages, promoting one time offers or displaying anything but content that will "squeeze" contact information from visitors to your site.

The contact information can be as simple as just the email address or as complex as getting details such as age, sex, race, height, weight, income status, work status, etc.

High conversion squeeze pages are specifically designed to attract readers, grab their attention and get them to opt in to your email list.

In order to create this vital list building element you need to do the following:

  • Freebies can be a high quality lead magnet
A good percentage of online marketers give away free reports without knowing what their visitors actually want. They then wonder why few, if any visitors sign up to their lists.

It's important that you first know what your visitors want.

Then you need to give your visitors something of value and make sure they appreciate how valuable it is.

You then need to sell your visitor on your product enough to convince them to buy into your list.

Here is where you need to create high conversion content for your squeeze page.

  • Make sure you over deliver on your freebie.
Your freebie should be so impressive to your visitors that they will want to come back to your site to get more of what your offered them. 

Create a feeling of expectation for your visitors.
When you create the feeling that they just can't wait for your next email with your giveaway, you know you've succeeded in over delivering.

You can do this by offering a second freebie to your visitors when they confirm their subscription.

Once they provide you with their email address or whatever other contact information you need; take them to a landing page that explains how they can confirm their subscription and receive another free gift once it's confirmed. 
  • Give your freebie a catchy name.
Many marketers don't bother naming their free offers.  They just offer a "free report" of something.
  • Brand your freebie with a catchy title that your visitors can easily identify. 
A memorable name for your freebie that stands out in the minds of your visitors, allows them to easily find it again, identify it to their friends, Tweet it, mention it in forums or on their Facebook pages.

An indistinguishable freebie with no name is boring, useless, difficult to talk about and virtually nonexistent.
  • High conversion squeeze pages use graphics
Spend some time creating a professional looking e-cover for your e-book or to brand your free giveaway.

Not only is a picture worth a thousand words, it makes your freebie much more identifiable.

Professional quality eye catching graphics, combined with a catchy title, will often capture an opt in without the visitor even reading the content.

Graphics also tend to make your freebie appear more valuable to your visitors.  An image of the product you are offering is always an immediate eye-catcher.
  • Place your squeeze page in a strategic location
Place the majority of your squeeze page copy, the graphics and the opt in form, above the fold of your page.

When your visitor displays your website, make sure they don't have to scroll down the page to get to your opt in form.

Most visitors only remain on your page for a split second before deciding if it is what they are looking for.  Strategic placement of your opt in form is important to get your visitor to focus on the copy and read it.

Since people read from left to right, place your opt in form in the uppermost left hand corner of your page where it will get the immediate focus of your reader.

If your visitor is searching for a specific article, video or a picture, they will have the opportunity of seeing your squeeze page first and then moving on if it is of no interest to them.

High conversion squeeze pages are "targeted".  You do not want or need the email address of someone that is not interested in what you are offering.
  • Don't trick your visitors into an opt-in
The key to getting high conversions is to simply ask your visitors to subscribe.

Don't try to trick your visitors into subscribing to your list with fancy wording, videos or forms. 

It's important that your visitor knows exactly what they are subscribing to, what they will be getting from you in return and how to sign up to your list.

A lot of squeeze pages have a good headline and some bullet points but neglect to tell their visitors what to do.

Spell it out for them.  Tell them exactly what they need to do and how to do it.

Tell them to "Fill out the form below with your first name and email address."

Tell them where to click and what the button says. 

Point some arrows to the opt in form so they can't possibly miss it.  Often just the opt in form with a couple of large red arrows pointing to it will work better than a fancy form.

Don't take anything for granted, be brutally specific.
  • Test your squeeze page on a regular basis
Make sure to test your squeeze page and tweek it if it doesn't provide you with the results you expect.

Small changes often make a huge difference.

Try changing the headline, bullet points, submit button, copy, graphics, background colors, text colors and whatever else you think could bring more focus on the opt in form if you don't feel you have enough subscribers in a reasonable time period.

Sometimes seemingly insignificant tweeks can make a dramatic change in the number of opt ins.

High conversion squeeze pages are specifically targeted.

Remember that although squeeze pages are designed to attract visitors to subscribe to your email list; high conversion squeeze pages are function as qualified lead "magnets". 
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