Strategic Online Profit Strategies: Is Getting Started Or Following Through More Important?

Friday, May 13, 2011

One of the most important strategic online profit strategies that is found in every business book you  crack open up these days is to "take action".

Although taking action has long been touted as being the most important thing you need to do; we believe that finishing what you start IS DEFINITELY the most important thing you need to do.

Entrepreneurs that are successful in their online businesses, are the ones that finish what they start.

In fact one of the most common traits found in all successful individuals, is their ability to finish what they start.

The Internet is loaded with business websites that have failed because their owners simply failed to finish or follow through with their business plans.

Finishing what you start is one of the best strategic online profit strategies to generates success.

Virtually every business building resource you find on the Internet will stress "getting started" as the primary goal.

No one ever talks about how critically important it is to finish what you start.

There are a host of consequences to not following through with what you initiate. Some of these are obvious and some hidden but every good intention you have and every effort you make will be undermined by not following through with what you start.

You obviously will not be able to get anything accomplished if you don't follow through. Everyone will tell you that. But that's just the beginning.
  • On a personal level, not following through has much greater implications.
    Your self image or your perception of yourself will deteriorate if you engage in this type of faulty behavior long enough.
    You will eventually begin to see yourself as someone who can't get things done.
    This will eventually undermine your self-confidence.
    Not following through with what you start will lead to intense frustration and aggravation.
    Over time as this continues, it will slowly affect you and eventually damage your motivation to start things or begin new projects.
    If you already "know" that you have a penchant for not following through with things, why even bother to start.
    Not following through with things leads to procrastination.
  • At a business or team level, the effects of not following through can be even more severe.
    Team morale will start to deteriorate. You will lose the respect of your employees if they begin to see you as all talk and no action.
    Very few employees would consider taking a responsible leadership role when the head of the company can't follow though.
    This also gives an unspoken blessing to the entire company not follow through.
    Good leadership is all about "doing as I do", not just "doing as I say".
    When your employees sense that you don't care or see that you have a lax attitude, you can be assured they will adopt one as well.
    If that attitude ever catches on, it will invade every area of your business like a cancer.
    Everyone in your company from your marketing and sales team, down to your customer service team, will stop following through trying to implement your goals when they see that you aren't following through with implementing the goals you set for yourself.
Of all the strategic online profit strategies that are touted, not following through is the most self defeating and self destructive to you and your business.

If you ever get into the habit of not following through; not only will you be shooting yourself and your business in the foot, you'll be perceived by your peers as being unreliable, a waste of their time, a bad risk or even worse.

People will not want to work with you or for you.

Is getting started or following through more important?  In our opinion, you need to make following through second nature in your personal life and in your business associations if you expect to become a success.

Strategic Online Profit Strategies: Offering Free Incentives For Sign Ups To Your List

Saturday, May 7, 2011

Offering free incentives for sign ups to your email subscription list has become a much more widely used strategy during the current economic downturn.

People love getting anything for free, which is why offering free incentives for sign ups work so well.

There are essentially three strategic online profit strategies for getting visitors to sign up to your list when offering free gifts.

  • Signing up to your list before the bonus incentive. 

    One of the most frequently used list building methods, is to offer a generous free incentive to visitors who subscribe to your website or newsletter.  In return for your free incentive, visitors give you their email address along with permission to contact them in the future with additional information and other offers.

  • Signing up to your list after the bonus incentive. 

    Lately, this list building method is becoming more widely used online. 

    With this method links in the document content, video pages, software, or whatever encourages visitors to sign up without requiring them to opt in to get the content.  However, an opt in is necessary if the visitor requests additional information on the topic.

    An example of this strategic online profit strategy is to offer Part 1 of a 10 part video course free to your visitor, but in order for them to proceed with Part 2 of the course and forward; they are required to opt in to your list.

    This is a very effective method of offering free incentives for sign ups because if your visitor likes what you initially have to offer them, they have the option at that point of either leaving or opting in to your list to receive the remainder of the course. 

    Opt ins gathered using this strategic online profit strategy are highly targeted and far more likely to generate future sales from additional offers.
  • Signing up to your list both before and after providing an incentive.

    This method allows you to build a deeper relationship with your reader as they become your subscriber and again when they become your customer. 

    Using this strategy, you give free open content to your visitors, get their opt in, and then later reinforce the subscription with additional permissions and opt ins.This advanced method of building a targeted list moves your feed subscribers to email subscriptions by offering them additional benefits over and above your normal daily content. 

    Bloggers in particular frequently use the "before and after" incentives strategy of list building.  
Offering free incentives for sign ups to your list works; that's why almost everyone is using them!

Build Your List and Get More Leads Using YouTube Videos

Sunday, May 1, 2011

There are many ways to build your list and get more leads online, but one of the best tried and proven methods is by using YouTube videos.

YouTube videos are definitely one of the greatest ways to build your list and get more leads, but only if you know how to use them to your advantage.

Most producers of YouTube videos have a tendency to give out way too much information about their market or product line in a single video.

Instead, try using YouTube videos to dribble out small nuggets of information to your viewers on a daily basis, include an opt in link to your squeeze page where your visitors can go to subscribe. 

By dribbling out small tidbits of wisdom about your niche market product or service every single day for about a week or so; you will find that many more viewers will be willing to give you their email address. 

The dribbling effect acts like a pre-sell of an affiliate product on your website. Before directing your potential customer to your affiliate's sales page, you are whetting your viewer's appetite.

As an alternative, you can tell people to subscribe to your YouTube channel  however, it's obviously not as productive as the collection of their names and email address.

Your primary focus with YouTube videos should always be to get everybody subscribed to your channel and on to your email marketing list.

A good point to make here, is that many list builders often don't pay enough attention to their leads and often wind up under utilizing them.

Many marketers who are focused primarily on lead generation, often leave their biggest money making asset on the table.   And that is, except for the initial product sell, not using their list to sell other products to their subscribers.

It's easy to build your list and get more leads using YouTube videos, but what you do with those leads is what separates the men from the boys in the internet marketing business.

Hopefully, you do not fit into that category.
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