Strategic Online Profit Strategies For Growing Your Business

Saturday, February 26, 2011

Growing Your Business
Many strategic online profit strategies for growing your business do not require a lot of capital to implement. 

Most of these common sense growth strategies only require time from the work force to implement effectively.

Here are a few ideas to start you off on the right foot.

Incentives are frequently offered by many companies to attract visitors to their doors.  This applies to both online and store front businesses.

One effective strategic online profit strategy for growing your business is to provide free samples of your product or service to potential clients in order to clearly demonstrate the value of your product or service. 

Giving potential customers a trial software product, a partially functional program or a free trial period of the service you are offering; effectively telegraphs the confidence you have in your product or service to them and will usually will attract them to your business.

Providing your products are of high quality, this will lead to increased sales and growth.

In concert with this strategic online profit strategy, bonuses are also frequently offered by businesses for this same end.

Anything that has a perceived value to your potential clients can be offered to them to attract additional business traffic.

Online this can be in the form of a free membership site access, a free ebook or paper, or even in the form of free tutorials or consultations.

Offline this can take the form of specials, discounts, cupons, free trials, two for one offers, or anything that a dollar amount can be associated with or placed on as a benefit.  Customers appreciate bonuses and have a tendency to consistently buy more products when they are offered.

Guarantees can also be used to assure potential customers that your product or service is of such a sufficient value, that they have no reason NOT to purchase it.  Guarantees cement the value of a product and psycologically eliminate any reason for not purchasing it.

Usually the longer you issue the guarantee for your product or service, the more likely is is that your visitors will buy your product.  Lifetime guarantees definitely attract buyers and more buyers mean more growth to your business.

Other strategic online profit strategies for growing your business include word or mouth, written, or video testimonials about your product or service.

Testimonials, especially those given by well known celebrities, will sway many potential clients that need additonal convincing before they buy. 

When using testimonials online, be sure to use valid names, email addresses, URLs and pictures when available.  Never fake a product endorsement or testimonial.

Ezines are a great way to grow your business if you provide your subscribers with useful articles that include tips, money saving advice, etc. 

Online, you can submit your ezine articles to the various article directories and promote it throughout your website. 

When done correctly, ezines can dramatically increase the amount of visitor traffic to your website and will grow your business very quickly.

Submitting your articles to multiple directories will maximize and multiply your exposure.

The trick is to make your ezine articles interesting, easily readable and packed with useful tips and advice so your readers will return to your site for additional information.

The strategic online profit strategies for growing your business that are outlined above will not bust your company's budget, however they do require time and careful planning to implement effectively.

Strategic Online Profit Strategies With Viral Marketing

Sunday, February 13, 2011

Of the most cost effective strategic online profit strategies in use today, viral marketing is by far one of the easiest to implement.

Many strategic online profit strategies focus entirely on the strategy, not on individual response.

Viral marketing focuses on people's likes or dislikes.  It is a promotion strategy based on the free circulation of ideas via word of mouth.

When you come across something that you really like or admire, human nature dictates that you share your admiration or discovery with someone else. 

People normally will share their find with their friends, relatives and people they work or play with, out of enjoyment or just to help them out.

In turn, those people will share their discovery with their network of friends.  That's what viral marketing is all about; rapid word of mouth transmission of an idea or concept.

Effective strategic online profit strategies require speed to be effective and viral marketing is the fastest distribution strategy available online at this time.

As the name implies, viral content spreads like a flu virus from individual to individual. 

Spreading content in an infinitely expanding loop from individual to individual is a far more superior strategic online profit strategy than traditional online marketing strategies which usually require far more effort and money to implement.

Successful viral marketing campaigns increase the range of your message and place you in direct communication with thousands of prospects that you traditionally would not be able to reach.

The more people who see your content, the more people will know who you are, what you are all about, and what you are able to offer to your customers.

When you share your concept or ideas on a specific topic with your audience and your message goes viral; you immediately become an authority on that topic and will find people coming to you in droves for recommendations and advice.

You do not need to bust your budget to promote your products or start a viral campaign to meet the needs of your potential customers.

For the most part, viral marketing strategies are relatively inexpensive and as your message goes viral, your readers become your marketing sales force.
Here are some of the strategic online profit strategies that are the heart of a successful viral marketing campaign:

  • Giving away free products or services to attract people to your campaign. 

    Free is a powerful word in today's vocabulary and giving away free software, e-books, videos, e-courses, etc. will get people interested enough to talk about your product or service to others.  Branding your giveaways will exponentially increase the viral aspect of your giveaways.
  • Exploiting common human behavior and motivations by making people feel something

    By creating strong feelings or emotions in your readers; you can either please them, make them angry, fill them with love or hate, create compassion or take advantage of their egos.  Psychology is important in viral marketing and when an emotion is tweaked in your reader; they tend to react passionately and more aggressively.  Passivity does not go very far in viral marketing.
  • Using existing interactive social communication networks like FaceBook and Twitter. 

    People have a natural yearning to be liked, loved, popular, or just to be understood.  Social media networks have prospered because of these human desires and are where these people congregate to share their opinions and ideas. 

    By placing your message or idea into an existing communication, you can rapidly speed up it's distribution and have it go viral.  This strategy also works well and should be used on blogs, social bookmarking sites and video sharing sites like YouTube.  An emotional message that goes viral on a close network of only 10 to 15 people, can multiply and be distributed to hundreds or thousands of followers very quickly.
  • Sharing your message is necessary to effective viral marketing.  In order for your viral marketing to automate itself once your campaign begins to spread, you need to make it's spread effortless; just like the flu virus.  
  • This can be done by allowing people to:
    Download the content in a seamless, easily usable format.
    •     Pictures should be in .jpg format
    •     Videos should be in .mpg format
    Use Tell A Friend scripts or other scripts to send content to their friends.
    Embed your viral campaign content on their websites.
    Add your content easily to social bookmarking sites like Digg
    Easily publish your content on social networks like YouTube, FaceBook, etc.

    The easier you make your message to share with others; the more effective your viral marketing will become.
Not only is viral marketing one of the most cost effective strategic online profit strategies in use today; it is without a doubt the most effective and easiest to implement.

If you want to learn how to exploit viral marketing techniques, this one product is vital to your success.

Strategic Online Profit Strategies With Squidoo

Sunday, February 6, 2011

There are several strategic online profit strategies with Squidoo that will not only generate traffic your website, but can earn you or your charity a substantial amount of money online.

In case you're living under a rock;  Squidoo is a free community website that hosts hundreds of thousands of hand built webpages called "lenses".

These lenses pay either the lens master or a variety of charities a royalty that can amount to hundreds of thousands of dollars annually. 

When you set up a Lens on Squidoo, you will be asked where you want your royalties to be sent.  Squidoo shares half of their advertising revenue with everyone that has a lens and gives the rest to charity.  By default, earnings are directed to charity however, many people opt for cash.

Because of this policy, Squidoo has become the fastest growing fund raising co-op on the globe.

For webmasters with newly constructed websites, strategic online profit strategies with Squidoo will almost immediately generate targeted traffic to your site and give it an aura of credibility.

Lenses are free, indexed almost immediately by Google, extremely easy to set up and require no working knowledge of HTML to become successful.  

Unlike HubPages that has more restrictions on their page content; Squidoo users regularly build Lenses to help generate website traffic or promote their affiliate products.

In addition to promoting your website, you can earn money by promoting and selling relevant items from eBay, Amazon, CafePress, Netflix , and other sources on your Lenses.

There is no limit to the number of Lenses you can create.  Many Squidoo members have hundreds of Lenses in a number of niches. 

Because there are more than a million other lenses on Squidoo, your webpage isn't isolated on the Internet hoping to be discovered like countless numbers of other websites.

Instead, you benefit from the proximity effect of the community.  Your Lens is listed next to thousands of other mini-site pages on almost any interesting topic you can  imagine.

This means that there are hundreds of thousands of people available to help you out and potentially link to your Lens, your website, or to your affiliate product landing page. 

The link juice that a Squidoo Lens gives your website is not inconsequential.

Often a good article in your marketing niche that links to your website will be picked up by someone and linked to, the same day that you create your Lens.   Google loves Squidoo.

Some other strategic online profit strategies with Squidoo that will compound and increase traffic to your lens and website, is to implement standard website traffic generating techniques such as:
  • Using Social Media websites such as Twitter and Facebook to generate quality traffic to your Lens.
  • Forum commenting and signing your posts with your Squidoo Lens URL.
  • Using Google Buzz to find blogs that relate to your niche and commenting on them.
  • Using Yahoo Answers to reply to questions that relate to your Lens niche and including your Lens URL in the answer.
  • Article Marketing and submitting articles to the directories with your Lens URL in the resource box.
  • Using Social Bookmarking sites such as StumbleUpon to promote your Lens.
By using all these strategic online profit strategies with Squidoo, your website will become extremely visible to targeted visitors, you will be earning money from your Lenses, and you will be helping out your favorite charity.

Squdoo is a win, win any way you look at it.

If you are not yet using free Squidoo advertising to make money on the internet, you really need to check this out.
Strategic Online Profit Strategies. Design by Pocket