Use Web 2.0 For Web Marketing

Thursday, October 22, 2009

There are several ways you can use Web 2.0 to funnel traffic to your website.

Some examples of Web 2.0 websites are file sharing sites, blogs, book marking sites, wikis, rating sites, and social networking sites.

YouTube, Facebook, Myspace, Digg,, and Wikipedia are some examples of the above, however, the list is humongous.

As you can see, Web 2.0 websites generate a phenomenal amount of traffic.

Here is a simple technique to create traffic to your website using Web 2.0.

Create unique, quality, compelling content and submit your articles to Web 2.0 content sharing, or content rating websites, such as Digg, Newsvine, Reddit or Propeller.

After submitting your article, people get to vote on it. The more votes you acquire, the more visibility your article gets.

If you have a quality article, the potential for creating traffic to your website is staggering.

As readers click on your link to read the full article, they create a permanent back link to your web site, that the search engines just love.

Your search engine rankings will increase tremendously when you attract a backline from a high quality website.

The same web marketing technique is also applicable with YouTube and other Web 2.0 video sharing websites.

You can produce an original video, and upload it where it will be seen, and rated, by millions of people online.

You can creatively place a link to your web site or business, into the content of the video, and submit your video to several Web 2.0 sites.

The more your video is viewed, the better chance you have of acquiring additional visitors to your website.

The traffic and earnings potential is unbelievable with these Web 2.0 sites.

This same concept can be used for submitting photos, original images, and digital audio files.

The theme can be applied over and over again create more and more traffic!

Using Web 2.0 for web marketing should be a no brainer, if you really want to create a surge of traffic to your website.


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