Gain Super Affiliate Status By Pre-Selling.

Saturday, August 15, 2009

There are a number of reasons why most affiliate marketers never acheive the recognition of being called a super affiliate.

One of the primary contributors to their lack of super affiliate status, is the failure of these affiliates, to pre-sell their potential customers.

Preparing potential customers for the affiliate product they are supposed to be buying, is what pre-selling is all about.

Basically, it's the warming up of your audience. It's kind of like having a warm up group, before the star attraction, at a rock concert. The warm up group, works up the audience in preparation for the main event.

Unfortunately, most affiliates just set up a web site, and send visitors to their affiliate link, using a PPC campaign or some other method to drive traffic.

They fail to prepare their potential customers, or inform them about the product that they will be expected to buy.

This is NOT the best strategy for closing a sale, however,it does provide a measure of success. This is why most affiliate marketers still use it.

Other affiliate marketers are content to send an email promotion to people on their list, and never do a single follow up on it.

This is NOT a formula to achieve super affiliate status! However, this strategy can be improved on to include an effective pre-selling campaign.

Still other affiliate marketers travel the opposite path, and pepper the people on their email list with endless repetitive affiliate promotions, time after time.

This is an excellent way to diminish the size of your email list, and your earnings.

No one appreciates endless affiliate promotions cluttering their inbox. All this will guarantee, is a blocked email address or worse.


Pre-selling is about building trust with your potential customer, and really not selling them anything, at least initially.

Once the trust factor is achieved, and your prospects are comfortable with your suggestions, you can achieve super affiliate status and sell almost anything at all.

Learn More About Pre-Selling, Here.


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