Convert Your Web Pages Into Subscriber Magnets

Monday, August 31, 2009

If you have a content based website, or if you own single page sales letters, you can turn every page into subscriber magnets.

Applying this concept is extremely effective, and relatively effortless.

It's a fact that most of the visitors that come to inspect your website, leave without ever again thinking about it.

The good news, is that you can easily follow up with your visitors by getting their permission to opt into your mailing list, through your web pages.

You can create a pop up windows to appear when your visitor attempts to leave your site, or close the window.

The pop up asks for your visitor's email address, and first name, so that you can follow up with them in the future, by having them subscribe to your mailing list.

You can sweeten the pot by creating an incentive and giving away a free ebook, newsletter, or some other bonus.

Since many web surfers have a distaste for pop ups, including myself, and because pop up blockers are installed in many web browsers; an effective alternate, is to insert your opt-in form between the spaces in your web pages.

It doesn't take long to set up the opt-in form, and once set up; it basically runs on autopilot.

Using this concept, you can turn every web page you own into a subscriber pulling magnet.

To Learn More About Using An Autoresponder To Build Your List, Click Here.

Effective Article Marketing

Sunday, August 23, 2009

There are an infinite amount of ways to write articles, however here are some tips you should consider for effective article marketing.

Plan your article before you begin writing. Ask yourself what use this article will be to your website and if it will attract traffic and inbound links to your site.

A well written article should bring in a considerable amount of web traffic within a few weeks of publication.

Make sure the title to your article is catchy and interesting. Front load your title with keywords or a keyword phrase.

The title of an article is the most important part of your article in terms of distribution and indexing by the search engines.

Your job is to write an original article with a killer, keyword rich title. Often, the title is written after the article so as to capture the flow of the article without stifling the content.

Know who your target audience is before you pick the topic of your article. Focus your article on your audience for the best possible exposure with the finished product.

Select topics that are of use to your audience and will be of benefit to them. Focus on your topic and try to stay on course.

Keep your paragraphs relatively short and try not to overwhelm your audience. It's also very important to write what you know about. BS may go a long way in other places, but not in your article. People can spot it a mile away.

Your article should not be boring! Keep the interest of your audience at all costs. Effective article marketing will keep your audience interested all the way to the resource box.

The author box, or resource box is where you make your pitch.

It should include your name, a short description of you or your business, and a link to your website.

Include keywords in your resource box
, and when possible, write in the third person, in order to get a better flow of text when your article is reprinted on another website.


It is unbelievable how many people forget this important piece of information.

Effective article marketing is impossible without proper distribution.
The whole purpose of writing an article is to distribute it and attract web traffic.

There are a number of places you can submit your articles to for reprinting however, article directories such as Ezine articles, give you the most exposure.

A Google search will provide more article directories than you can handle, or you can always outsource the directory submissions, and put your time to a better use, like internet marketing.

For Additional Effective Article Marketing Tips, Click Here.

Gain Super Affiliate Status By Pre-Selling.

Saturday, August 15, 2009

There are a number of reasons why most affiliate marketers never acheive the recognition of being called a super affiliate.

One of the primary contributors to their lack of super affiliate status, is the failure of these affiliates, to pre-sell their potential customers.

Preparing potential customers for the affiliate product they are supposed to be buying, is what pre-selling is all about.

Basically, it's the warming up of your audience. It's kind of like having a warm up group, before the star attraction, at a rock concert. The warm up group, works up the audience in preparation for the main event.

Unfortunately, most affiliates just set up a web site, and send visitors to their affiliate link, using a PPC campaign or some other method to drive traffic.

They fail to prepare their potential customers, or inform them about the product that they will be expected to buy.

This is NOT the best strategy for closing a sale, however,it does provide a measure of success. This is why most affiliate marketers still use it.

Other affiliate marketers are content to send an email promotion to people on their list, and never do a single follow up on it.

This is NOT a formula to achieve super affiliate status! However, this strategy can be improved on to include an effective pre-selling campaign.

Still other affiliate marketers travel the opposite path, and pepper the people on their email list with endless repetitive affiliate promotions, time after time.

This is an excellent way to diminish the size of your email list, and your earnings.

No one appreciates endless affiliate promotions cluttering their inbox. All this will guarantee, is a blocked email address or worse.


Pre-selling is about building trust with your potential customer, and really not selling them anything, at least initially.

Once the trust factor is achieved, and your prospects are comfortable with your suggestions, you can achieve super affiliate status and sell almost anything at all.

Learn More About Pre-Selling, Here.

Affiliate Marketing With Article Marketing

Sunday, August 9, 2009

Anyone who can write a paragraph, can promote their affiliate marketing with article marketing

Affiliate marketing does not require what you might expect to become successful.

Winning affiliates often promote their products without what we normally consider the essentials.

  • You do NOT need a website to become a successful affiliate marketer.
  • A pay per click campaign is NOT essential for success.
  • NO software is needed to succeed.
  • You will NOT have to read long instructional e-books.
So. What is left? How will you promote your affiliate product without any of the so called essentials?

Affiliate marketing, with article marketing!

You can become a winning affiliate by following some simple suggestions.

First select an affiliate program with an excellent product, that has great sales aids, good customer service, a decent recurring commission schedule, and is popular with the public.

This type of affiliate program is tailor made for earning consistent, long term commissions, via article marketing.

Write an interesting, informative, article about the topic you are promoting. Make it valuable to the point that others will use it on their own websites.

If you are unable or incapable of writing, as some of us are, then outsource your article writing. The internet is loaded with ghost writers who are willing to do this at a reasonable cost to you.

Make sure your affiliate link is included in the resource box, at the end of your article. This is important!

When your article is picked up for use by others on their websites, your affiliate link will be included. Affiliate marketing with article marketing can make your link viral if it is well written and interesting enough.

Write at least one article per week, or more if possible, to get the most effect out of your writing.

Each article you write, should stimulate the reader enough, to at least have them click on the affiliate link, in the resource box, at the end of your article.

Done properly, affiliate marketing, combined with article marketing, dispenses with the need for websites, PPC, and all the other so called essentials to effective promotions.

For More Free Affiliate Marketing Information, Click Here.

Google's AdSense - How Much Can You Earn?

Saturday, August 1, 2009

If you're new to Google's AdSense, and are just starting to carve out your piece of the Internet pie, you are probably asking yourself some of the following questions.

How much can you earn with Google's AdSense? Can you retire with a good income? How will the economy affect your earnings?

Well, with Google's AdSense, the truth is, if you host a small website, with a lot of web pages, you can probably easily support yourself without having to reach into your wallet and spending any additional cash.

The more people that visit your web pages, the more clicks you can expect to receive. These clicks generally translate into greater earnings.

Even though you might only get one or two visitors per page, having a lot of attractive web pages will generate more visitors, which in turn generates more advertising clicks, that in turn generates increased AdSense earnings.

The higher your click through rate, the more money you will make.

There is actually no limit as to how much money you can earn with Google's AdSense, as long as you have an attractive website with a lot of web pages, that are of interest to the public.

Although there is no way to accurately predict how many visitors you can expect to receive on your website; you can intelligently maximize your potential earnings with Google's AdSense, by creating an attractive web site, with many targeted web pages, that is currently popular with the public.

Your site can be about music, politics, teen advise, dating, videos, sex, or just about anything else that will attract the public and generate a lot of banner clicks.

A Google search will easily give you an idea of what the current trends are.

As to how much you can earn with Google's AdSense; there really is no limit.

Using Google's AdSense, you can make as much money as you want.

When you have an attractive web site, with interesting popular content, and a lot of targeted web pages; your site will begin generating more visitors on a daily basis.

The more visitors that click on the AdSense banners, the more you can expect to earn.

For More Free Information On Using Google's AdSense, Click Here.
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