Social Bookmarking Sites As A Backlinking Strategy

Sunday, July 8, 2012

Using social bookmarking sites as a backlinking strategy is only one of several well known online profit strategies that can provide quality backlinks to your site.

Essentially there are five ways to create high quality backlinks to your website which are listed below.
  • Creating "feeder" sites by using existing authority websites.
  • Posting feedback on high ranking authority blogs.
  • Article marketing using quality content and a well written resource box.
  • Directory submissions
  • Using social media bookmarking sites and communities.
Although using social bookmarking sites as a backlinking strategy is listed last, it is arguably the easiest to implement and the quickest for achieving a noticable degree of success.

Social Bookmarking communities and networks allow people the license to create quality backlinks quickly and easily from high page rank authority websites which already benefit from a massive amount of traffic.

Social Bookmarking websites categorize and store bookmarks which direct viewers to a specific website.

They basically store links in an organized system of categories so visitors can easily access them.

Because these sites attract millions of visitors who are looking for specific information, they are a prime target for creating backlinks to your website or blog.

When you decide to start using social bookmarking sites as a backlinking strategy, it is important that you first create an organized system to your campaign.

This is extremely important for a couple of reasons.
  • It is a time saver and allows you to get more accomplished in less time. 
  • It also minimizes the risk of you being flagged for posting multiple times in the same social bookmarking site.
To begin your campaign, you must first create an account on each bookmarking community site.

Include your full name, your website URL and a brief keyword rich description of your website.

To ensure that you are signed into each account whenever you add a new bookmark, configure your Firefox browser to remember your login information for each bookmarking site.

Now you can easily organize your campaign by creating a "bookmarks" folder in your Firefox toolbar.

Create a folder for each day of the week so you can easily submit your backlinks to the top bookmarking sites without duplicating your backlink to the same site twice in the same day.

(To create your bookmark folders in your Firefox browser; click on “Bookmarks”, then select “Organize Bookmarks” and “Create New Folder”.)

Once you have a folder set up for each day of the week, you need to populate them.

To do this you need to add 5 to 10 bookmark sites into each of your bookmarks and then every day, load up these websites and submit your site as a new bookmark.

Once your bookmarks campaign is set up in your Firefox browser, all you need to do on a daily basis is click on the "bookmark" and select "Open All Tabs".

This will load all the daily bookmark sites in your browser windows to let you to quickly submit your site into each one.

Below are a few of the top social bookmarking websites and communities: (PR9) (PR8) (PR8) (PR7) (PR7) (PR7) (PR7) (PR7) (PR7) (PR7) (PR7) (PR7) (PR7) (PR7) (PR6) (PR6) (PR6) (PR6) (PR6) (PR6)

If you have not yet tried using social bookmarking sites as a backlinking strategy to acquire quality backlinks to your site, you are missing out on an easy way to increase web traffic and improve your bottom line.


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