Free Resources Need To Be Worthwhile

Sunday, June 19, 2011

We all know that the best way to catch people's attention online is to provide something of value for free.

However, free resources need to be worthwhile or your visitors will not continue visiting your site.

The concept of getting something for nothing works as long as what you are giving away is worth bothering with.

Most marketers will provide a product or resource relative to their niche.

Programmers usually give away plug-ins, writers give away written products, graphic designers give away web templates and it goes on from there.

An effective strategic online profit strategy has been to give away free resources of some type however these days almost everyone is giving stuff away for free.

You would think that FREE would automatically lock in someone's attention enough to at least generate a visit to your landing page.  However, these days it's not a guarantee.

In the early days of the Internet giving away a free e-book or some other resource would almost certainly guarantee you plenty of viral email forwards.

These days, it seems as if we are drowning in a sea of free "stuff".

Everyone seems to be giving away something for "nothing".

The point is that FREE still works, but free resources need to be worthwhile.  They must be something very relevant and worthwhile to your visitor in order to garner their attention.

Today most marketers find that they have to "sell" their free giveaways almost as if they were charging people for the resource.

Getting someone to pay attention to what you have to market carries a cost to both parties but if you make sure the resources you give away are truly worthy of attention and you make your case for why it's worthwhile; you will find that people will still gravitate to your site.

Free resources need to be worthwhile
if you expect your visitors to come visit your site but these days you really need to tell them why it's worthwhile.

Strategic Online Profit Strategies For Article Marketers

Sunday, June 5, 2011

There are some simple strategic online profit strategies for article marketers that will improve your ability to write articles more quickly and efficiently.

Writing articles quickly increases the potential amount of targeted traffic you can get to your website, which in turn increases your overall profits.

I say potential amount of targeted traffic, because the quality of your articles is the real determining factor.

Articles marketers who pump out a quality product quickly have an obvious edge on their competitors.

Here are some strategic online profit strategies for article marketers that will enable you to write quality articles more quickly.

One of the things that article marketers run into that cuts down on the amount of copy written, is the amount of time they spend in the research phase for their niche topics.

You'll get more quality copy written faster when you focus your research on only a single niche topic and then write 8 to 10 articles on that topic. Bouncing back and forth between two or three topics and writing articles haphazardly causes a loss of focus.

Splitting your research between several niche topics is not only cumbersome and distracting, it produces lower quality content. 

It's much more sensible to devote all your efforts to one niche topic before moving on to researching another topic. 

It's a well known fact that the more knowledge you have about a niche, the easier is is to write several quality content articles on that subject.

It always helps to have some basic knowledge about the subject you plan to write about. 

Selecting subjects you are already familiar with or at least have some interest in will keep your interest and improve your article marketing.

When preparing to write your articles there are several basic things you need to do if you want to crank out quality articles.

  • Pick an isolated work area away from everyone in your family.  An isolated cabin would be a great location provided you have Internet access. 

    For most of us this is impossible, so lock yourself in your office, your den or your bedroom for a set period of time and let your family members know you are not to be disturbed.
  • Get rid of your television, your radio and definitely turn off your cell phone. 
  • Get rid of any distractions you might have on your computer.  Set up a separate user on Windows that you can use strictly for writing your articles. 

    Computers can be your worst distraction as well as your best resource.
  • Keep your work area clean and free of excess garbage.  The less your attention is distracted the better your output will be.  
Your sole focus should be on producing high quality content that will drive visitors to your websites and increase your bottom line.

Following these basic strategic online profit strategies will improve your article content, your writing speed, and you will be driving noticeably more visitors to your websites.
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