Social network sites such as HubPages or Squidoo are used frequently to funnel web traffic and generate quality backlinks to other websites and blogs.
HubPages content ranks especially high with the search engines and can generate a huge amount of traffic in a very short period of time. However, HubPages has a ranking system in place designed to prevent abuse from spammers who create dozens of accounts for strictly SEO purposes.
When you first create a Hub Page, your content including any backlinks, will quickly be followed by the search engines. Your HubPage will receive an initial numerical rating which you can improve on, by adding additional content or even creating additional Hubs.
After a few days you will notice that your HubPage will lose some of it's status and your links will have a "no follow" attribute.
The strategic online profit strategies for increasing your HubPages score outlined below should prove helpful in maintaining "do follow" links and improve your ranking.
- The first thing you can do to improve your score is to comment on other HubPages and be active in the community. After all HubPages is a social networking site, so be sociable and participate.
When commenting on other HubPages, make sure you comment specifically on what was written by the Hubber. Don't just leave a "great page" comment. If the information was useful to you, tell them why. Make sure you take time to read the content before commenting on it.
- Link to authority sites when applicable, especially government (.gov) and education (.edu) sites. These authority sites are excellent for SEO purposes and will improve your HubPages score. Avoid linking to only one website or blog over and over again.
- Join a Hubber's fan club and give them a thumbs up if you like their page. Often they will reciprocate and give your Hub a thumbs up; which will improve your Hub score.
- Update your Hub pages on a regular basis. You can do this by adding additional text boxes, videos, amazon or ebay units, a new poll, new photographs, or just make changes to your existing text. Every time you make a change to your content, the search engines will revisit and reindex your HubPage.
- Give your HubPage a thumbs up using StumbleUpon, and depending on your StumbleUpon profile, you should be able to generate a substantial amount of traffic to your page. The more traffic you receive, the higher your HubPages score.
- Judiciously using anchored backlinks to your Hubs, is an excellent way to generate consistent search engine traffic.
You can do this by using Ezine Articles and other sites like it to promote your HubPages.
Anchored backlinks in your articles will not only increase web traffic to your Hub, they will also increase your ranking in the Search Engine Results Page, improve your HubPages score and supercharge your Google Page Rank. This will in turn help your other web sites.
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