Private Label Rights Is A Winning Strategy For Everybody

Wednesday, November 25, 2009

For those of you who don't already know; using private label rights is a winning strategy for everybody involved.

If I told you that you could take someone else's work, change it as you please,
and then call the revised product your own, would you believe me?

What if I told you that you could also make money from the revised product, without having to worry about copywright infringements?

Well, both of these statements are true, when you purchase private label rights content.

In order to get an understanding of private label rights, you first should learn what resale rights, and master resale rights are all about.

All are interrelated to some extent.

Resale Rights, are when the owner of a product permits you to take his material, distribute it, and sell it as your own.

Master Resale Rights, extend the owner's permissions, and allow you to sell the resale rights to the work, along with the owner's product to others.

It is called master resale rights, because it extends the permissible actions that an individual can take, when they purchase the rights from the owner of the product.

Normally when you purchase a master resale rights product, you are permitted to do most or all of the following:
  • You can give away the product unaltered.
  • You can combine the product with other products.
  • You can give away the product as a bonus.
  • You can use the product as content for your website.
  • You can break the product apart into separate articles.
  • You can sell the rights to the product or the product itself on auction.
  • You can use the product as content for paid membership sites.
  • You can alter or change the product any way you see fit.
  • You can sell the resale rights for the product.
Private Label Rights, is when you are just given the permission to change or alter the product, any way that you see fit.

Generally, it is substantially cheaper to acquire private label rights, than it is to purchase master resale rights for a product.

Using private label rights is a winning strategy, when you alter the product to create a unique new product, that you can then sell as your own work.

If you acquire private label rights to an ebook, for example; you can chop the book up into separate chapters, and then sell them as articles.

Using a similar example, you could also acquire the private label rights to several articles, modify the contents by adding or deleting details; including pictures, sound, or videos; package them into an ebook format, and then sell the new ebook for a profit, as your own creation.

The best part about using private label rights products, is that you never have to name the original author of the product or worry about paying anyone royalties.

Using private label rights is a winning strategy for everybody, including the original creator of the product.

Because of the increased demand for original private label rights content, good writers can make a great deal of money from their works. There is also the additional incentive for them to sell the master resale rights with their content, at a higher price.

Using private label rights is a winning strategy for Internet marketers as well as the originators of the PLR content.

For A Limited Time, Get Your Free Lifetime Access To Quality Private Label Rights Products, Here.

Build Your List Writing eZine Articles

Friday, November 20, 2009

A simple list building strategy that you might consider using, is to build your list writing eZine articles.

When done properly, you can leverage your viral marketing efforts writing articles, and
create a substantial targeted list.

Submit your articles on your area of expertise, in the normal manner, to article directories where eZine publishers are looking for information to republish.

By writing articles, you are demonstrating your expertise, and proving you worth in your niche market to your target audience.

You can increase your mailing list by judiciously using the resource box at the end of your article.

In the resource box, or bio box; include details about your business and your business site, as you would normally do in a submitted article.

However, instead of including your website URL in the resource box; include the URL of your landing page or squeeze page, where you have provided a free offering to your visitors, to obtain their names, and email addresses.

As long as you provide well written unique articles that eZine publishers are willing to republish; your articles, along with your resource box, will be virally transmitted to their readers and subscribers.

This provides you an effortless, free viral marketing method of building your mailing list, at no cost to you.

You can begin to build your list writing eZine articles, and submitting them to trusted article submitter sites, or directly to several different article directories today.

You can learn more about building your list here.

Creating A Good Business Brand During A Down Economy

Saturday, November 14, 2009

Creating a good business brand during a down economy is not impossible, if you think out of the box.

A good business brand should be able to withstand an ailing economy.

In these times, where most of the planet is suffering from a financial crisis; and all businesses are feeling the impacts of the recession, your branding campaign will be faced with a challenge.

You must double your efforts at making your brand successful, when every other business is competing for what is left of the market.

Never discount the impact of quality, and improving value to your clients to keep your business
above water.

Creating a good business brand is possible, even when branding seems to lose its energy during a

During economic downturns, people's buying practices change from impulse, and perception buying, to more logical purchases, that are based on actual need.

Creating a good business brand during a down economy, necessitates that you improve the value
and benefits, that your product or service promises to your customers.

You can make your business recession proof by adding value to your brand.

Here are some areas of your branding system that you can focus on.
  • Try to capture a larger share of your market by creating more aggressive marketing campaigns.
  • Offer a better value for your products or services, to potential customers that are affected by the recession.
  • Highlight economic benefits, quality, and real benefits, rather than superficial appeals, in your advertising campaigns.
  • Most businesses cut back on their investing and marketing efforts during an economic downturn.

  • Think out of the box; now is the time to increase and strengthen your marketing efforts.

Creating a good business brand during a down economy, and helping your brand survive, are
challenges that can be tackled, by using some of the following practices.

  • Maintain your credibility, by not changing your brand's identity during hard times.
Doing so will only reduce the trust factory you have built with your customers.

It could even ruin your brand's reputation.
  • Appeal to the needs of your customers.
Do some in depth market research to find ways to deliver what your customers require, and then give them what they need.
  • Improve the quality or value of your product or service, instead of just dropping prices.
This helps maintain the quality of the spending habits, that your customers are accustomed to.

In recessionary periods, people tend to re evaluate their spending habits.
  • Use this as an opportunity to offer your business products or services, as a possible solution to their needs.
Your winning formula in times of recession, is to remain committed to helping your customers get quality products and services, that add value to their money.

More bang for the buck!

Creating a good business brand during a down economy is not only possible, it can increase the loyalty of your customers, when you provide the additional value, for the product or service that they are looking for.

Private Label Rights

Wednesday, November 4, 2009

If you are new to the term PLR, also known as Private Label Rights; let me explain precisely what they are.

When you purchase a product with private label rights, you also get the source files for the product.

By purchasing the "rights" to the product; you are legally allowed to name yourself the author of the product, you can make changes to the appearance of the product, you can change the text, price, or totally remake the product.

You can also promote the product any way you like, or you can set up an affiliate program and have your affiliates promote it.

Essentially, you own the product, and can do almost anything you want to with the product, with some exceptions.

You cannot give away the product in it's original form.

You cannot sell the private label rights to the product.

You cannot sell the product in auctions to substantially devalue the value of the product.

Sometimes, other restrictions are levied by the producer of the product, but they are inconsequential.

Purchasing private label rights to a product saves you a great deal of time and money.

Generally, good PLR products are well worth the money that you pay for them.

A quality PLR product usually includes graphics, website templates that you can edit, sales pages, marketing material, and everything you need to quickly set up a product website.

When you consider the time and development costs incurred; PLR products are a real bargain.

Learn more about Private Label Rights here.
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