Answer The Question - What Is A Sticky Website?

Monday, September 7, 2009

Recently, I was questioned about the origin of; What is a "sticky website"?

A sticky website is nothing more than a content rich website that will keep the interest of visitors who stop by.

As much as we would like it, website visitors will not stay on your website if there is nothing there to grab, and keep their attention.

It often appears that web surfers seem to have a case of A.D.D., when they surf the web.

Sometimes the most innocuous item will draw in a visitor to a website and keep them returning to that particular site.

In order to increase the flow of traffic to your website, the trick is to identify, and emulate or duplicate that draw.

A sticky website is absolutely necessary in affiliate marketing if you plan on being successful.

Your sales pitch will fall on deaf ears if there is no reason for people to stop by your site and keep them coming back.

Creating useful content, and lots of it, is the best way to make a
"sticky website".

Newsletters also work well and are also a good way to build your email list.

You can also use contests, quizzes, polls, or product reviews to keep your visitor interest peaked and keep them returning.

The more interesting useful information that you can put on your website, the the better your odds are, of attracting visitors to your site on a regular basis.

You can say you have a "sticky website" when you have built up a base of steady returning visitors.

You don't have to settle for a mediocre website. You should constantly test your site for ways to bring products to your visitor's attention.

You should always be looking for better ways to keep a "sticky website" and attract new visitors.

To learn more about "sticky websites" and how to increase your web traffic here.


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