How To Attract Traffic Generating Links

Saturday, September 26, 2009

One of the best ways to attract traffic generating links with a high popularity rank, or PR, is through a process called Link Baiting.

Exchanging links with related popular websites, has always been an effective method of driving traffic to your website.

The trick is how to attract traffic generating links.

Link bait can be an article, a video, a picture, a blog post, or any other content you place on your website, that is specifically designed to cultivate links from as many sources as possible on the Internet.

It only takes one interesting web page on your website to be noticed, and the link shared with a few other people, for it to attract traffic generating links, from a variety of websites all across the Web.

How to attract traffic generating links through link baiting, is an art of sorts.

Some even say that it's a side effect of good article writing.

I believe, that if you can write some good useful article content, and submit it to the right social media site, in a market with the right audience, and with a smidgen of good luck; you can be overwhelmed with traffic generating links.

There are additional ways to acquire back links that are just as effective.

Providing constantly updated content, that is newsworthy, current, and timely on a blog will get back links when a discussion are generated about current affairs.

Digg and Newsvine, are both oriented towards newsworthy content and are a good source of links.

Any subject that is the center of controversy is a potential source of back links.

When opposing viewpoints can be promoted or discussed, it is possible to provoke people into linking back to your website.

Although attracting traffic generating links by link baiting is extremely productive, content is still king of the hill and can reward you with all the traffic you need.

This is particularly true if your content is picked up by a large website and virally disseminated.

For more FREE helpful information on attracting traffic generating links, Click Here.

Auto Responder Improvements That Will Increase Your Bottom Line

Sunday, September 20, 2009

Here are some auto responder improvements that will increase your bottom line sales.

Don't be afraid to juggle your auto responder strategies, to get better results!

  • People love getting freebies.
Publish free reports that relate to your business or web site and send them out with your auto responder.

Make sure your reports contain links to your site, along with the fresh content that contains your advertisements.

  • Ask your customers if they are satisfied with your services.
The easiest way to collect this information, is to publish a survey to those who have subscribed to your website and offer them a free ebook, software application, or trial membership subscription.

This vital information will give you a better understanding of your customer's likes and dislikes. You can then adjust your marketing, accordingly.

  • Publish FAQ to your list.
You can save yourself time and a lot of effort by publishing a list of Frequently Asked Questions, via your auto responder, to people already signed up to your list. This approach also saves you a lot of migraine headache powder.

  • Publish a tickler list of customer testimonials.
Try setting up your auto responder with a form, inviting people on your list to request a full list of customer testimonials on your product or service.

Only publish a few customer testimonials on your actual website.

It's more effective to allow people subscribed to your website to request a full list, and then email them a list of "killer testimonials".

Mixing and tweaking these auto responder improvements will increase your bottom line.

Learn More About Managing Your Most Valuable Internet Marketing Asset Here.

Be Cautious Making Your Own Online Videos

Sunday, September 13, 2009

It's important to be cautious when making your own online videos.

With the increased popularity of online videos, nearly everyone is becoming consumed with making and uploading their own videos.

The two most popular video websites, Google Video and YouTube, both allow members to produce, share and upload their own videos online.

If you are one of the people consumed with making your own online videos, there are some things you should be cautious of, and take into consideration.

Remember that anything you write, say, or video tape online can come back to haunt you.

It may not happen right away, but whatever you upload to the Internet will remain there for a very very long time and could resurrect in the future.

The politicians who regularly show up on YouTube, can attest to the fact that what they said 4 or 5 years ago was not forgotten by the public.

When making your own online videos, watch what you document.

The use of illegal drugs, your views, thoughts, ideas and beliefs are alright to share with close personal friends, but not such a good idea online.

Millions of internet viewers inhabit video websites and not all of them are there to just have fun, or get a laugh.

Never put anything on the web that can be used against you at a later date.

Employment, is a perfect example.

When you apply for a job, the form you fill out for your employer requires your name, address, phone, age, etc.

Modern employers now use the Internet to research their potential employees, and what you might have uploaded several years prior, could hurt you.

Even if you're not looking for a job now, your employer could come across something you did some time ago, for fun, and decide it could hurt your current standing with your company.

A fun video of you acting like a nitwit, cursing, doing something illegal or just plain being stupid could be cause to keep you frozen at your current salary or even fired.

Your next employer could also detect the same unintentionally devastating information.

Teenagers who think it's neat to upload a semi nude or nude video of themselves or others, could find themselves the target of criminal investigations, or suspended from their schools.

A growing number of school officials are now using the internet to keep tabs on their students and document illegal activities, and threats of violence.

Online video sites and social networking sites are now being monitored regularly.

Whether you are an adult, or a teenager making your own online videos, a little bit of common sense goes a long way, to keep you from doing yourself harm.

You can learn more about online videos here.

Answer The Question - What Is A Sticky Website?

Monday, September 7, 2009

Recently, I was questioned about the origin of; What is a "sticky website"?

A sticky website is nothing more than a content rich website that will keep the interest of visitors who stop by.

As much as we would like it, website visitors will not stay on your website if there is nothing there to grab, and keep their attention.

It often appears that web surfers seem to have a case of A.D.D., when they surf the web.

Sometimes the most innocuous item will draw in a visitor to a website and keep them returning to that particular site.

In order to increase the flow of traffic to your website, the trick is to identify, and emulate or duplicate that draw.

A sticky website is absolutely necessary in affiliate marketing if you plan on being successful.

Your sales pitch will fall on deaf ears if there is no reason for people to stop by your site and keep them coming back.

Creating useful content, and lots of it, is the best way to make a
"sticky website".

Newsletters also work well and are also a good way to build your email list.

You can also use contests, quizzes, polls, or product reviews to keep your visitor interest peaked and keep them returning.

The more interesting useful information that you can put on your website, the the better your odds are, of attracting visitors to your site on a regular basis.

You can say you have a "sticky website" when you have built up a base of steady returning visitors.

You don't have to settle for a mediocre website. You should constantly test your site for ways to bring products to your visitor's attention.

You should always be looking for better ways to keep a "sticky website" and attract new visitors.

To learn more about "sticky websites" and how to increase your web traffic here.
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